Anywhere365 Features
Some features are only available with specific licenses. These are indicated by the following icons. If no icon is shown, the feature applies to all mentioned licenses below. (Not applicable for legacy licenses "basic queue" or "reception ucc")
Small Business
Enterprise Plus
Call park is a feature that can be utilized via Dialogue Studio that allows a person to put a call on hold at one telephone set and continue the conversation from any other telephone set, Learn More
During a consultative transfer the contact center agent can start a conversation to another agent before the call gets transferred, to ensure they are able to take the call.
A direct transfer is when a call or conversation gets directly transferred to another contact center agent, without contacting the other person first. This feature is fully supported by all Anywhere365 applications, including the UCC A Unified Contact Center, or UCC, is a queue of interactions (voice, email, IM, etc.) that are handled by Agents. Each UCC has its own settings, IVR menus and Agents. Agents can belong to one or several UCCs and can have multiple skills (competencies). A UCC can be visualized as a contact center “micro service”. Customers can utilize one UCC (e.g. a global helpdesk), a few UCC’s (e.g. for each department or regional office) or hundreds of UCC’s (e.g. for each bed at a hospital). They are interconnected and can all be managed from one central location. and Reception Attendant.
Anywhere365 makes it possible to wrap up a call before the next call is offered to a call agent by setting the discharge duration. The discharge duration is the time needed after a call to finalize the administration. During this time call agents will not be hunted for new calls, though it's presence status will be available.
Anywhere365 supports both mobile phones (PSTN Agents - Enterprise). With this feature you can fully integrate mobile users into your contact center.
An agent can transfer the customer to a Skill. This will put the Customer in that Queue or forward when a Forward Skill is chosen.
Anywhere365 offers an innovative addition to the standard function of taking a call from a colleague; this is only possible if you have the same necessary skills as your colleague. In this way an Agent is able to serve only customers that he actually can help.
Dialogue Cloud: Learn More
Anywhere365 distinguishes two different contact center agents: (1) Formal Agents A Formal Agent is able to sign in and sign out of the UCC. This can be achieved when the Agent sends a start or stop command to the Skype for Business client of the UCC. and (2) Informal Agents When you create an 'Informal Agent' in the agent list, then this agent will be part of the agent circle as soon as he signs in to his Skype for Business or Teams client. In contrast, by marking the checkbox 'Formal' upon creating a new agent, the agent first has to actively sign in to the UCC to be available for call distribution.. An informal agent is connected to the UCC once he/she is signed in, while a formal agent needs to sign in for an UCC in order to collaborate. The use of formal agents makes it easy to switch between different UCCs by using the friendly user interface of the Snapper and help the busiest UCC. Single-sign-on makes it possible to sign in to all the UCCs a formal agent works for.
Dialogue Cloud: Learn More
Supervisors of a UCC have the opportunity to generate a list of current calls and monitor them, intervene, whisper to an agent, talk as a conference, take over the call and give back the call to an agent. With reporting from a compliance point of view, all supervisor actions can be made visible in the dialogue timeline.
You can control of the client forward settings like CallForwarding, Delegates and Simultaneous ring should be used when Anywhere365 is contacting the agent.
With classification you can tag the call during the session, so the manager is able to get more information about each category of call classifications.
To add extra security to a private UCC, it is possible to enter a pin code before connecting. By adding the setting "PinCode" to the Settings list, the caller will be asked to enter the set of numbers before continuing after the Welcome Message. [For example 1234] Anywhere365 will ask the caller for a pin code, and only if the pin code is entered correctly, the caller can proceed with Interactive Voice Response Interactive Voice Response, or IVR, is a telephone application to take orders via telephone keypad or voice through a computer. By choosing menu options the caller receives information, without the intervention of a human operator, or will be forwarded to the appropriate Agent..
Anywhere365 uses SharePoint as its configuration panel in order to manage one or more UCCs. In this way it's possible to make changes to your UCC at any time, without the need for technological skills. And because it is real-time there is no downtime while improving your UCC. You can add call agents, change the status of the UCC, and optimize the IVR Interactive Voice Response, or IVR, is a telephone application to take orders via telephone keypad or voice through a computer. By choosing menu options the caller receives information, without the intervention of a human operator, or will be forwarded to the appropriate Agent. and its texts while staying available for customers. Furthermore, both SharePoint Server as well as SharePoint Online (from Microsoft 365) can be used in combination with Anywhere365.
Within the new UCC settings it is possible to set the Time Zone of a specific UCC. So that on one platform with different UCC, running in different areas in the world, but with one server clock time, the UCC is able to correct its own time. A very useful feature for situations like Business Hours, Holidays and Reporting.
Powerful and actionable Dialogue intelligence capabilities to extract previously hidden dialogue patterns.
When deploying an international contact center, language can always be a bit tricky. Integrate real-time translation of the audio files and speaking a different language will no longer be an issue.
With Anywhere365 it is possible to record direct incoming end-to-end conversations (Customer to Agent).
With Anywhere365 it is possible to record end-to-end conversations (Customer to Contact Center).
With Anywhere365 it is possible to record end-to-end outbound conversations (Agent to Customer).
To improve the quality of the contact center, it is possible to add Quality Monitoring to the Call flow. This way customers can give feedback on the received service.
The Anywhere365 Inflight Wallboard visualizes the status of a UCC. It lists the incoming calls, along with the choices that are made within the IVR and the wait time of the caller. Furthermore it shows which agents are connected to the UCC as well as their Presence state. Learn More
In Anywhere365 it is the possibility to aggregate the Recordings. This creates a sub folder for each Agent Recordings. By giving the Agent access to their sub folder, they can listen and learn from their own conversation. The Supervisor can have access to all sub folders and can easily find back the right recording.
Ideal for training purposes or incident and crisis management situations where the sequence of events can be re-played. Based on the incoming call or hunted agent, it might be helpful to record the full engagement between the agent and the caller, including the exact sequence of events; the full screen of the caller is recorded for the duration of the call and stored in SharePoint for easy access. This is ideal for training purposes or incident and crisis management situations where the sequence of events can be re-played.
Erlang Erlang (E) is a (dimensionless) unit that is used in telephony as a measure of offered load or carried load on service-providing elements such as telephone circuits or telephone switching equipment. The Erlang formula is used to calculate the average queue time to determine the number of agents that are required for the desired service level. is a dimensionless unit that is used in classic telephone systems as a measure of supply and demand on telephone circuits or telephone switching equipment. Along similar lines, Anywhere365 uses data mining techniques based on historical dialogue data to forecast expected call center loads.
The routing of the UCC can be based on the presence of the Agents. By adding an Availability Skill the customer can be rerouted to a new location if no agents are available.
Business hours are the configurable times, which set the availability of the UCC. With the Anywhere365 platform, it is possible to set the Business hours of each separate UCC. Outside business hours an alternative message (Message Closed) will be played and customers can be given the opportunity to leave a voicemail. One day can have multiple Business Hours, for example the morning from 08:00 to 12:00 and the afternoon from 13:00 to 17:00. If the UCC is closed one day, the business hours can be edited, but it is easier to use Holidays instead.
By adding a bot to the dialogue, you can decrease the number of unnecessary dialogue. By letting the bot answer the simple answers and letting the advanced questions move to your agents.
Reroute calls that were directly sent to an Agent (a director for example) to influence who and who cannot call someone directly.
With the Skill Countdown feature value of Anywhere365 it is possible to lower the skill value of those Agents, which are present during a short period of time in seconds measured. During that time period the skill value will go from 100% to 1% in steps of the average time period. After the countdown the call can be automatically transferred to another skill, the same skill, or to reach voicemail.
By combining Anywhere365 with Microsoft Power Automate, the information from the CDR Call Detail Records (CDR) are the meta data of a converstation: who talked to whom, at which time, for how long and with which identity among other things (skill, optional classification, etc) which gets stored in your SQL (analytical) database. can be used to recognize patterns and reroute based on these patterns.
A holiday is a selected date/time range when the UCC is closed during holidays. In this case, the Business hours will be overruled. It is possible to configure Holidays for each individual UCC. During a Holiday the UCC will play the message closed or an alternative message (Holiday Question) and the customer has the option to choose an action (CallBack CallBack, an IVR menu feature for voice, enables the customer to leave his / her number to be called back by an available agent during business hours., Voicemail or Forward).
Interactive Voice Response (IVR) allows customers to interact with a host system, after which they can service their own inquiries or will be redirected to a call agent by following the IVR dialogue. Traditionally input is required via the telephone keypad, modern Voice User Interfaces rely on speech recognition, both of which are supported. All texts within the IVR will be loaded dynamically and can be managed real-time by means of text-to-speech and/or audio files. Scripts build according to conversational design principles can be easily created.
Adding a jukebox to the queue or hold to make the waiting time for the customers as pleasant as possible. With the jukebox feature you can add your own announcements and music.
Instead of using the DTMF tones the contact can also use key-phrase speech to make a selection in the IVR.
Available even when the person is busy or offline. This feature makes it possible for a person signed in to a UCC to be available in certain cases, even when the presence is busy or offline. Think about a Role Model for medical support, with every person with a First Aid (EHBO) certificate into a UCC. When a call comes in out of context of First Aid, the person in a call, will be hunted and get the
Anywhere365 offers different escape actions while the contact is waiting in the queue. For example the contact can switch queue or leave a voicemail.
With the WebAgent of Anywhere365 it is easy to manage the queue and determine the positions of callers within the queue. Callers waiting in the queue are updated frequently about their position and might be informed with other relevant information. The maximum length of the queue is configurable and once the limit is reached customers are offered to leave a voice mail or disconnect the call. All notifications can be managed by means of text-to-speech or audio files.
With Queue Sized Based Routing you can redirect the caller if the queue size exceeds a specific volume.
Anywhere365 supports a Routing table in the SharePoint settings. With this table it is possible to regulate, based on a regular expression the number(s) to a specific skill. With this feature you are able to route specific numbers or number plans to specific skills. This feature can be used together with a SharePoint workflow, or an Anywhere365 Timer Job, to schedule a specific situation when specific routing can work. Example: If you expect a customer to call, you would like to route that customer only, based on LineURI of SIP The Session Initiation Protocol, or SIP, is a protocol for multimedia communication (audio, video and data communication). SIP is also used for Voice over IP (VoIP). SIP has interactions with other Internet protocols such as HTTP and SMTP. address to a VIP skill. Routing can be managed in the Routing library.
In each line in the Routing a Match criteria can be set, following the order the Match lines will be used. When there is a match, the address will be forwarded to either the Skill or the Parent Question. When forwarded to a Skill the caller will directly enter the queue. When forward is to a Parent Question, the customer will enter the IVR at that point. Since the Skill can be a forward skill too, Anywhere365 is able to redirect a call from a specific number directly to another outbound number like mobile, SIP or PSTN.
A Side instep to main IVR makes it possible to use an additional phone number for the same callflow.
A Side instep to IVR makes it possible to skip IVR-steps and fulfill customer needs even faster.
A Side instep to Queue makes it possible to skip IVR-steps and fulfill customer needs even faster. Besides that it is possible to define contacts that will skip the entire IVR (and its associated queue) and will be redirected to the first available call agent.
Adding a default music on hold to the queue or hold to make the wait for the customers as pleasant as possible.
With Unlimited IVR Dept you can create multiple layers in the IVR.
In case the UCC is closed or the queue is too long to serve new customers, it is possible for them to leave a voice mail and send these voice mails to SharePoint automatically. This makes it possible to playback voice mails and serve customers at a later stage.
There are different strategies to connect a caller to a call agent automatically (so called automatic call distributor Automatic Call Distributor (ACD), also known as Automated Call Distribution System, is a component that redirects incoming calls to Agents. (ACD Automatic Call Distributor (ACD), also known as Automated Call Distribution System, is a component that redirects incoming calls to Agents.) strategies). With Anywhere365 it is possible to choose your own ACD strategy.
(1) Longest Idle - Agent that is idle for the longest period.
(2) Longest Available - Agent that is available for the longest period.
(3) Round Robin - Agent that accepted the least calls.
(4) Serial - Agent based on an ordered list.
(5) Least Calls - Agent that has handled the least calls today.
(6) Least Occupied - Agent that has the lowest handle time.
(6) Parallel - Multiple Agents (Max 4)
(7) Last Agent - Last Agent that had a call with the customer.
(8) Forward to Mobile - Redirect the conversation using the Routing Settings
(9) Countdown - Expand the group based on Skill score and time
(10) Availability - Route the conversation based on Agent availability.
With CallBack the customer can leave his / her number to be called back by an available agent during business hours.
The integration between Anywhere365 and
With QueuedCallback The QueuedCallBack feature enables the customer to leave his / her number while waiting in the queue in order to get called back by an available contact center agent. customers can leave their number and disconnect the call, but remain in queue. As soon as it is their turn in queue, an Agent with the appropriate Skill will be hunted. Once the Agent answered he will hear a dial tone and the UCC calls the Customer.
One of the major advantages of Anywhere365 is Skill Based Hunting. This makes it possible to select call agents based on their skills. This means that customers will be connected to only those call agents that are actually able to help them. This way of hunting is used for Voice, Chat and WebChat. Learn More
Start a chat from a website. Chat functionality is one of the most widely used features of standard
Let the customer directly share files with agents during a web-session.
Let the customer directly share photos with agents during a web-session.
Anywhere365 is developed with information sharing in mind. Therefore, it is possible to create an interface between a UCC and any other system. One of the most important interfaces is the one with CRM Customer Relationship Management, or CRM, is (usually) a software-based, data management method to deal with interactions with customers and potential customers. software. Once a call agent answers a call, and CRM is integrated with Anywhere365, an additional screen pops up and contains all available information of the caller. This might significantly improve the service provided to the caller.