Dialogue Cloud

Call Classifications

Note: An Enterprise license or higher is required to access these features.
Note: An additional Anywhere365 WebAgent license is required.


Call Classifications can be used by an agent in the WebAgent to select and append a predefined tag (or multiple tags) to conversations during or right after a call with a customer. Also see Learn More

The Classification will be appended and stored to the call record in the CDR database. Call Classifications can then be retrieved in PowerBI, and/or will be shown in the Universal Timeline (see below)

Explanation per field

In order to manage CallClassifications, the following fields should be filled in:




Name of the Classification


Create multiple layers of classifications.

Various Classification Level Scenarios

One selectable Classification

Create an item per Classification, all with level 0.

For example:

  • Level 0

    • Incident

    • Problem

    • Other

The result in the client will be one dropdown, with the 3 options.

Classifications with sub Classifications

Create an item per Classification combination, separate with ;.

For example:

  • Level 0

    • Incident;New

    • Incident;Update

    • Problem;New

    • Problem;Cancel

    • Other

The result in the client will be one dropdown, but when "Incident" or "Problem" is selected an additional dropdown will appear. Only the sub options of the selected item will be shown. In the case of "Incident", "New" and "Update" can be selected. In the case of "Problem", "New" and "Cancel" can be selected.

Classifications multiple questions

Create an item per Classification Level combination, each question with its own level.

For example

  • Level 1

    • Incident

    • Problem

    • Other

  • Level 2

    • New

    • Update

    • Cancel

The result in the client will be one dropdown with the 3 options and when one is selected all the options in level 2 will be selectable. Regardless of the selected option in level 1.

Mandatory Classification

The WebAgentService plugin setting ClassificationRequired can be used to make it mandatory for the agent to leave a classification. Once this is enabled, the agent must select and save a classification before they can click on handle, ensuring that every conversation is classified. For more information, click here.

Note: If the ClassificationRequired setting is enabled, it will conflict with the AutoFinishAudioDialogue setting. The AutoFinishAudioDialogue setting will take precedence, meaning the Dialogue will be automatically closed and the Agent will no longer have the option to classify.

Create/Edit/Remove item

Item can be created, edited or removed.

Warning: Updates to the system take place in real-time. Entering the incorrect information here may cause issues with your software. Proceed with caution.