Dialogue Cloud

Anywhere365 Authentication for Dialogue Studio

Anywhere365 Authentication for Dialogue Studio allows for specific users of your organization to have read-only or read and write access to your Dialogue Studio portal. This is achieved by creating two authenticated groups in your Microsoft Entra ID Formerly known as Azure Active Directory (or Azure AD, or AAD), one group for Readers and one group for Writers.


Before setting up Anywhere365 Authentication for Dialogue Studio, make sure you have created a new Azure App, see: Create new Azure App Registration for Anywhere365 Authentication

Configuration and Mapping of Azure groups

Anywhere365 Authentication needs Azure users assigned to Azure groups. Users not part of an authenticated group will have no access to Dialogue Studio. There are two types of access:

  • Reader: Users that sign in and read-only rights.
  • Writer: Users that have full-access rights and are able to make changes.

Creating Azure groups

  1. In Azure click on Microsoft Entra ID Formerly known as Azure Active Directory (or Azure AD, or AAD)

  2. In the left menu click on groups.

  3. Click on new group

  4. Select group type ‘security’. Fill in a suitable name for the group, such as "DialogueStudioWriter" and "DialogueStudioReader". Press on the Create button. The Created Group will also have an Object Id. This Object Id is needed later.

  5. Add users to the appropriate groups.


Users with intended write access need to be member of both the Writers and Readers groups, users with only read access need membership of the Readers group only.

Mapping Azure Groups

  1. Go to Home -> Microsoft Entra ID -> Enterprise applications and select the application for Dialogue Studio. Then select Assign Users and Groups.
  2. Click on 'Add User/Group' and then on 'Users and Groups' tile. Add the created groups for Dialogue Studio to the application.
  3. Go to Home -> Microsoft Entra ID -> App registrations and select the Dialogue Studio application.
  4. Go to tab Token configuration. -> Click on Add Groups claim -> add Groups Assigned to the application... -> Save. This will ensure that groups are added as a claim to the Azure token.
  5. Go to tab Manifest, and remove the ', ApplicationGroup' name from the "groupMembershipsClaims": so only "SecurityGroup" remains.

You now have everything prepared to enable Anywhere365 Authentication for Dialogue Studio.

Enabling Anywhere365 Authentication

Contact your installation partner to have the above details added to the Partner Portal:

Goto the Dialogue Studio Menu and change Authentication from username / password to a365 auth: