Dialogue Cloud

Web Wallboard User Guide

The Web Wallboard is a graphical representation of your UCCs. This 'dashboard' displays realtime information about Agents and Queues and provides you with up-to-date statistics regarding the current state of your UCC A Unified Contact Center, or UCC, is a queue of interactions (voice, email, IM, etc.) that are handled by Agents. Each UCC has its own settings, IVR menus and Agents. Agents can belong to one or several UCCs and can have multiple skills (competencies). A UCC can be visualized as a contact center “micro service”. Customers can utilize one UCC (e.g. a global helpdesk), a few UCC’s (e.g. for each department or regional office) or hundreds of UCC’s (e.g. for each bed at a hospital). They are interconnected and can all be managed from one central location..


The Web Wallboard contains the following sections:

  • Statistics Overview

  • Skill Service level overview

  • Agent Overview

Statistics overview


Show the daily statistics.


Note: By default, all numbers include Inbound, Outbound and Direct Conversations.

* The SLA percentage can be configured via the Settings on SharePoint, Learn More

URL variables like calltype, showskill, or hideskill do not have an impact on the SLA.

** Configure the counters with the calltype URL variable, Learn More

showskill, or hideskill have no impact on the counters.



Total SLA percentage *

This metric shows the overall Service Level Agreement (SLA) percentage for all skills. By default the SLA percentage measures the percentage of conversations that were answered within a specific time frame. A higher percentage indicates better performance. The metric is updated after the conversation has ended.

Accepted conversations **

This metric reflects the total number of conversations that an agent has engaged in with customers today. It only counts conversations that were accepted by an agent, meaning they actively participated in the conversation. The metric is updated after the conversation has ended.

Missed conversations **

This metric indicates the total number of missed conversations that occurred today. A missed conversation refers to a situation where a customer was in the queue, but ended the call before being connected to an agent. This includes instances where the call rang at the agent's end or not. The metric is updated after the conversation has ended.

Decline in 20s **

This metric displays the number of conversations that were missed today and had a queue time of less than 20 seconds. It refers to situations where a customer waited in the queue for a short period of time before ending the call, resulting in a missed conversation. The metric is updated after the conversation has ended.

Longest wait **

This metric indicates the longest queue time of all the accepted conversations that occurred today. It measures the duration of time that the customer who waited the longest spent in the queue before being connected to an agent. The metric is updated after the conversation has ended.

Answer in 30s **

This metric represents the total number of conversations that were accepted by an agent today and had a queue time of less than 30 seconds. It refers to situations where the customer waited in the queue for a short period of time before an agent accepted the conversation. The metric is updated after the conversation has ended.

AVG Decline **

This metric displays the average number of seconds that conversations spent in the queue before being disconnected today. It calculates the average wait time for conversations that were missed, meaning the customer ended the call before being connected to an agent. The metric is updated after the conversation has ended.

Calls waiting **

This metric shows the number of active conversations that are currently waiting in the queue. This indicates how many customers are waiting for an agent to engage with them.

Average wait **

This metric shows the average queue time of accepted conversations that took place today. It calculates the average duration of time that customers spent waiting in the queue before being connected to an agent for all the conversations that were successfully accepted by an agent. The metric is updated after the conversation has ended.

Skill Service level overview

Note: When more then 6 skills are shown, the view will change to a compact view.


This element shows the SLA percentage per Skill, including additional real-time statistics.


* The SLA percentage can be configured via the Settings on SharePoint, Learn More

URL variables like calltype, showskill, or hideskill do not have an impact on the SLA.




All available informal Agent When you create an 'Informal Agent' in the agent list, then this agent will be part of the agent circle as soon as he signs in to his Skype for Business or Teams client. In contrast, by marking the checkbox 'Formal' upon creating a new agent, the agent first has to actively sign in to the UCC to be available for call distribution. + All available logged in formal Agents A Formal Agent is able to sign in and sign out of the UCC. This can be achieved when the Agent sends a start or stop command to the Skype for Business client of the UCC.

Percentage *

This metric shows the overall Service Level Agreement (SLA) percentage for this skill. By default the SLA percentage measures the percentage of conversations that were answered within a specific time frame. A higher percentage indicates better performance. The metric is updated after the conversation has ended.

Default = AcceptedSLA1 / (AcceptedCallsToday + NotAcceptedCallsToday)


The number of active conversations that are currently waiting in this skill.

Note: Not visible in the compact view.

In a call

The number of active conversations that are currently connected to an agent of this skill.

Note: Not visible in the compact view.

Agent overview


Shows the agents per reason code


Setting parameters (data filters) using URL formatting

It is possible to use the Web Wallboard URL to specify the types information you want to display. By formatting the URL appropriately and concatenating different 'parameters', you can choose information from a specific UCC as well as specify what you want to see.

Here is an example of such a URL:




is the part that points your browser to the Web Wallboard web application, and where


specifies that you want to display both inbound and outbound calls.

Therefore, by structuring the web Wallboard URL as follows:


i.e. start with the wallboard URL, next start the first parameter with a ‘?’ (question mark) and add every additional parameter separated with an ‘&’ (ampersand).

Note: All URL parameters can be combined (with the exception of showskill and hideskill which are each others opposites) to create your own WebWallboard.

UCC parameters

A specific UCC can be provided through the url. This will override the ucc in the WebWallboard config (defaultUccName).

Parameter name: ucc.

Possible values are any of your ucc names. E.g.:


You can only use this parameter once.

Statistics parameters

The statistics counters (except SLA) can be filtered by calltype (default all numbers include the Inbound, Outbound and Direct Conversations).


Possible values are inbound, outbound and direct. E.g.:


Skill parameters

Service Levels can be filtered by skill (by default all skills within a UCC are shown).


Possible values are any of the skills in your UCC. E.g.:


In this example only the skills ‘servicedesk’ and ‘sales’ will be visible in the Service Levels.


Possible values are any of the skills in your UCC. E.g.


In this example all the skills of your UCC except ‘servicedesk’ and ‘sales’ will be visible in the Service Levels.

Agent parameters


Default setting is FALSE, meaning the offline agents will be displayed.

Setting the parameter to TRUE will hide agents whose presence is Offline.
