On Premises

Install Email Dialogue Provider Component


An additional Anywhere365 WebAgent for Omnichannel license is required.


An Enterprise license or higher is required to access these features.



Deploy package

  1. Unzip the Anywhere365 Email Dialogue Provider package

  2. Edit the properties.ps1

    1. Domain = Domain of the install account

    2. UserName = Username of the install account

  3. Run install.ps1 in PowerShell as administrator

Add Plugin Settings

  1. Open the UCC A Unified Contact Center, or UCC, is a queue of interactions (voice, email, IM, etc.) that are handled by Agents. Each UCC has its own settings, IVR menus and Agents. Agents can belong to one or several UCCs and can have multiple skills (competencies). A UCC can be visualized as a contact center “micro service”. Customers can utilize one UCC (e.g. a global helpdesk), a few UCC’s (e.g. for each department or regional office) or hundreds of UCC’s (e.g. for each bed at a hospital). They are interconnected and can all be managed from one central location. Config page on SharePoint

  2. Open the Plugin Settings list

  3. Add the following settings:

    Setting Value Description

    Setting: ClientId

    Scope: EmailDialogueProvider

    The app id of the app created in azure

    Azure app ID.

    Setting: ClientSecret

    Scope: EmailDialogueProvider

    The client secret value of the app created in azure.


    Use the Value, not the Secret ID.


    Alternatively you can use EncryptedClientSecret
    Encrypt the Client Secret with the A365 Encryption Tool

    The client secret.

    Setting: EmailAddress

    Scope: EmailDialogueProvider


    The e-mail address of the mailbox.

    Setting: Enabled

    Scope: EmailDialogueProvider



    Setting this value to FALSE when other UCCs are running does not disable the Dialogue Manager service for this particular UCC, but will shut down the Dialogue Manager service for all your UCCs using it!

    Enable the provider.

    Setting: Tenant

    Scope: EmailDialogueProvider

    The tenant id of the azure tenant in which the app is created

    Microsoft Entra tenant

    Setting: Type

    Scope: EmailDialogueProvider


    Use Microsoft Graph API ( https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/graph/overview ) for the connection to the mailbox

  4. Add the following settings

    Setting Value Description

    Setting: OutboundTextSkill

    Scope: WebAgentService

    Name of the outbound skill (default is empty) For example: OUTBOUNDTextSkill


    The Skill needs to be created in the UCC, but doesn't have to be assigned to an agent.

    Used for enabling the Outbound Text Session. This Skill is also used for Reporting purposes.

  5. For all the available settings to finetune the Email Dialogue Provider, see: Email Dialogue Provider Plugin Settings Overview

Add Endpoint

  1. Open the UCC Config page on SharePoint

  2. Open the Plugin Settings list

  3. Add DialogueManager settings endpoint to ListsPlugin ListsEndpoints


    Add to the existing item and separate with "Enter".

    Setting Value Description

    Setting: ListsEndpoints

    Scope: ListsPlugin

    http://FQDN FDQN stands for Fully Qualified Domain Name and specifies the exact location in the tree hierarchy of the Domain Name System (DNS). An example for [hostname].[domain].[top level domain] is [www].[microsoft].[com]/webagentservice/api/v1/settings




    It is important to configure this setting to one main regional URL when using multiple services in the same region. If this is not done, you may experience unexpected behavior.


    Make sure to leave the fqdn to this service configured as a ".local" URL, especially when using multiple UCC services in the same region. If this is not done, the UCC cannot reach the right webserver internally leading to undesired or non-functional WebAgent behavior.


    URL needs to be accessible from the UCC Service to the Email Dialogue Provider.

    Used by the ListsPlugin to push the settings from the settings from SharePoint to the URL of the service.

Create and assign Skills

  1. Create regular skill, see: Standard Skill

  2. Add Agents, see: Agents

  3. Assign Skills to Agents, see: Skills per Agent

Add Plugins Attributes

  1. Open the UCC Config page on SharePoint

  2. Open the Plugin Attributes list

  3. Add the following attributes:

    Display Name System Name Show on Extension Window Show on Toast A toast is a pop-up instant message or audio call notification the user receives on his desktop. Order Open Automatically Category
    EmailSubject Subject No No 1 No Contact
    SenderDisplayName SenderName No No 2 No Contact
    SenderEmailAddress SenderUri No No 3 No Contact
    EmailBody Content No No 4 No Contact

Add Plugin Flow Settings

  1. Open the UCC Config page on SharePoint

  2. Open the Plugin Flow Settings list

  3. Below an example on how to setup the Plugin Flow Settings:

    Attribute Operator Value Order Action Skill
    Subject Contains Example value 1.00 Skill TextHandling
    Subject Does not contains Example value 2.00 Skill TextHandling

More information about Plugin Flow Settings, Learn More

For more example, Learn More

Restart UCC and validate

  1. Login to the Anywhere365 Application Server

  2. Start Services

  3. Restart "Anywhere365 Unified Contact Center"

  4. See the logs if Dialogue Manager is successfully loaded

UCC Logs


2019-04-18 15:39:30,716 [5] Wsp.Anywhere365.Ucc.Lists.ListsPlugin.ListsRequest DEBUG - ListsPlugin SendRequest Endpoint: http://FQDN/EmailDialogueProvider/api/v1/settings - body: {"Version":"1.1.7"...}

Email Dialogue Provider log:

2019-04-18 16:13:32.7046 DEBUG SettingsManager - Added settings for UCC ucc__texthandling
2019-04-18 16:13:32.7075 TRACE ProviderManager - TryAddUcc ucc__texthandling