On Premises

Notifications Service


Microsoft has started disabling Basis Authentication for Exchange Online as of October 1st, 2022 (More information). If you are using the Notification Service in combination with Exchange Online, this would mean that the Email functionality will stop working. Anywhere365 has no plans of adding Modern Authentication to the Notification Service. Moving forward our recommended migration path would be towards the Microsoft Power Automate.


A Corporate license or higher is required.


The notification service informs the user when a certain trigger or threshold has been met. The plug-in informs supervisors or agents in real-time about predefined KPIs. This enables supervisors to react and steer quickly when certain triggers are met.


The notification service has been installed and the config.xml has been filled in properly. Within the configuration file the notification and email settings have been identified (see the installation guide).


The manager of INFLIGHT ENTERPRISES’ support department has access to a multi-disciplinary group of agents. The agents can be reassigned to the support-skill whenever it is busy. With the notifications plug-in, the manager is able to react real-time whenever the queue for his support team is larger than fifteen. Whenever the queue contains more than 15 awaiting callers, the managers gets an IM notification and he/she is able to reassign some agents to support. This enables the manager to react to events whenever it is needed, without constantly monitoring the wallboard.