On Premises

Notification Service User Guide

Configuration Notifications

Notifications will be send (via IM, Email or both) when a configured KPI hits it threshold. The notifications can be configured via the settings site of the UCC A Unified Contact Center, or UCC, is a queue of interactions (voice, email, IM, etc.) that are handled by Agents. Each UCC has its own settings, IVR menus and Agents. Agents can belong to one or several UCCs and can have multiple skills (competencies). A UCC can be visualized as a contact center “micro service”. Customers can utilize one UCC (e.g. a global helpdesk), a few UCC’s (e.g. for each department or regional office) or hundreds of UCC’s (e.g. for each bed at a hospital). They are interconnected and can all be managed from one central location., but will only be active if an entry is added in the config.xml of the service which reads the Notification list of the setting site.

The notification list contains the following fields:

  • Title -This field is solely used to name the notification for documentation

  • KPI -The second field is a dropdown menu, in which a predefined KPI needs to be picked.

    • Queue AudioCalls: This can be set to notify the manager(s) when the queue is bigger or smaller than the desired amount. E.g. whenever the que is bigger than 15, the manager of the support department is notified of the situation. A second notification can be set for example to alert the same manager whenever the queue is smaller than 5.
      Measured in amount.

    • Available Agents: The manager is notified whenever the total amount of available agent drops below or exceeds a certain number.
      Measured in amount.

    • Longest Queue Time: Inform the receiver when the longest allowed queue time has been exceeded.
      Measured in seconds.

    • Longest Talk Time: Inform the receiver when the longest allowed talk time has been exceeded.
      Measured in seconds.

    • Average Queue Time: Inform the receiver when the average allowed queue time has been exceeded.
      Measured in seconds.

    • Average Talk Time: Inform the receiver when the average allowed talk time has been exceeded. This can be used by managers who aim to help customers within a time limit.
      Measured in seconds.

    • SLA: Notify the receiver when a SLA threshold is exceeded. When the supervisor wants 80% of the calls to be picked up within a certain time limit (e.g. 20 seconds), he/she will be notified whenever the percentage drops below the 80%. The manager can steer directly and try to increase the SLA.
      Measured in percentages

      SLA formula needs to be configured in "Additional Info":

      SLA Formula
      [WaitTimes] < 20 / ([AcceptedCalls] + [NotAcceptedCalls])
      ([WaitTimes] < 20 + [WaitTimesUnAnswered] < 20) / ([AcceptedCalls] + [NotAcceptedCalls])
      [InboundWaitTimes] < 20 / ([InboundAcceptedCalls] + InboundNotAcceptedCalls)
      Note: WaitTimes can be < or > x seconds.
    • Established Endpoints: The receiver is notified when the defined amount of endpoints are established. This option can be used to inform managers/supervisors about the success of (re)starting the UCC(s). It is advised to use the total amount of endpoints, then the receiver will be informed if the launch was successful.
      Measured in amount

    • Not Established Endpoints: The receiver is notified when the defined amount of endpoints are not established. This option can be used to inform managers/supervisors when a (re)start of an UCC was unsuccessful or whenever an endpoint failed to maintain connection. It will warn the receiver whenever the amount of unestablished endpoints is met. To be informed about any unestablished endpoint, use a value of 1. This will ensure a notification whenever 1 of the endpoints fails.
      Measured in amount

    • Specify your own value: This field will give you the possibility to make use of one of the other available KPI’s. See here the list of Available KPI's per UCC which can be used.

  • KPI Skill -A dropdown menu in which the user selects the desired skill on which the KPI is monitored. If the user selects ‘(none)’, the KPI will be measured for all available skills in the UCC.

  • Compare – The compare type (<, <=, =, >=, >)

  • Threshold – The number which is used for the comparing. The unit of the threshold is described with the KPI.

  • Receiver - Determine who gets notified when the threshold has been met. The user is able to choose all supervisors or all agents to notify the whole group. Other choices are: informing a specific supervisor or agent or informing all agents in the skill group.

  • Message - In this box the user can define the message that is sent as notification. E.g. when the queue for the support department is bigger than 15, the manager is notified with the message: “The support line is filling up, it is advised to reassign agents to this skill”.

  • SpecificUri -Whenever the user chooses to only notify specific supervisors or agents, their SIP The Session Initiation Protocol, or SIP, is a protocol for multimedia communication (audio, video and data communication). SIP is also used for Voice over IP (VoIP). SIP has interactions with other Internet protocols such as HTTP and SMTP. address can be added here (sip:supervisor@domain.com). Only one SIP address can be used.

    • When the user chooses to notify all supervisors, agents or all agents in a skill, this field can be left empty.

  • SendsettingSiteUrl - Send a link to the UCC the notification has been set for.

  • NotificationMethod - A dropdown menu that lets the user select the way the receiver is notified. Notifications can be send as an email, IM (instant message over Skype) or both.

  • Additional Info - Some KPI's require additional information, for example SLA.

  • WithinBusinessHours – Select this box if you only want to send the notification within Business hours.

Example Notification