Setup monitoring KPI (Key Performance Indicator)
Anywhere365 offers KPI's to support monitoring, for example in PerfMon, SCOM, Solarwinds or other monitoring tools.
Available KPIs per UCC
Accepted AudioCalls = The number of active calls
Active Presence Subscriptions = The number of active presence subscriptions.
Away Agent = The number of active Agents (Informal and singed in Formal) with the status Away. Regardless of Skill
Busy Agents = The number of active Agents (Informal and singed in Formal) with the status Busy, DND, InCall, InConference or InMeeting. Regardless of Skill
Concurrent AudioCalls = The number of active calls connected to the UCC A Unified Contact Center, or UCC, is a queue of interactions (voice, email, IM, etc.) that are handled by Agents. Each UCC has its own settings, IVR menus and Agents. Agents can belong to one or several UCCs and can have multiple skills (competencies). A UCC can be visualized as a contact center “micro service”. Customers can utilize one UCC (e.g. a global helpdesk), a few UCC’s (e.g. for each department or regional office) or hundreds of UCC’s (e.g. for each bed at a hospital). They are interconnected and can all be managed from one central location.. (In IVR Interactive Voice Response, or IVR, is a telephone application to take orders via telephone keypad or voice through a computer. By choosing menu options the caller receives information, without the intervention of a human operator, or will be forwarded to the appropriate Agent., Queue or Connected)
Concurrent IMCalls = The number of active IM connected to the UCC. (In IVR, Queue or Connected)
Conferences In Use = The number of active conferences in use by the UCC.
Established Endpoints = The number of established endpoints
Heartbeat = The Heartbeat of the UCC. It send 1 every second the UCC is Online and 0 when the UCC is Offline
IVR AudioCalls = The number of active calls in the IVR.
Last App Join Time = The time in milliseconds it takes to join the last conference
Last Conference Creation Time = The time in milliseconds it takes to setup the last conference
Last Customer Join Time = The time in milliseconds it takes the customer to join the last conference
Max App Join Time = The maximum time in milliseconds it took to join the conference in the last minute.
Max Conference Creation Time = The maximum time in milliseconds it took to setup a conference in the last minute.
Max Customer Join Time = The maximum time in milliseconds it took a customer to join the conference in the last minute.
New Calls per Minute = Shows the sum of all calls per minute started by the UCC
Not Active Presence Subscription = The number of not active presence subscriptions.
Not Established Endpoints = The number of not established endpoints
Offline Agents =The number of active Agents (Informal and singed in Formal) with the status Offline. Regardless of Skill
Online Agents = The number of active Agents (Informal and singed in Formal) with the status Available. Regardless of Skill
Queue AudioCalls = The number of active calls in a Queue.
SharePoint Connected = Shows the active connection state with the SharePoint configuration page. The value 1 is send out when the UCC has an active connection and 0 when the UCC is not connected to the SharePoint configuration page.
Available KPIs per Service
Uccs Idle = The number of UCCs in idle mode. (Waiting to be started)
Uccs Started = The number of UCCs started.
Uccs Starting = The number of UCCs in starting mode.
Uccs Terminated = The number of UCCs Terminated.
Uccs Terminating = The number of UCCs in terminating mode.
Viewing KPI's using Performance Monitor
Connect to the Anywhere365 Application Server
Start "Performance Monitoring".
Select Add or press Ctrl+N
Search for "Anywhere365 UCC"
Expand to select a counter or "Anywhere365 UCC" for all counters
Select the desired instance (UCC)
Select "Add>>" and choose "OK"
In the bottom of the screen, the KPI’s should be visible. It’s possible to select one or more KPI’s to view and change the color of the graph lines.
By default all KPI's will be removed when a UCC is shut down. This can be altered with the setting RemoveKpiAfterShutdown.
Another important monitoring tool is the log file of the UCC. The file can be find in the <driveletter>:\ProgramFiles\UCC\logs folder and is named: UCC_log.txt. When opening the log the first time, you will find a large bundle of text, which at first glance, might be a bit overwhelming. If we take a closer look, we will see that the buildup is logic and that it will be a very useful tool. Since the log file is updated every second it might be useful to use a tracker, such as SnakeTail.
When the UCC starts the first lines of the log, will always show information off the UCC version and license.
2014-11-05 09:13:05,394 [1] UCCStarter INFO - UCCStarter 3.0.14442.0
2014-11-05 09:13:05,954 [1] UCCStarter INFO - UCCStarter License is valid
2014-11-05 09:13:05,969 [5] UCCStarter INFO - UCCStarter 321 days till license expires.
2014-11-05 09:13:06,973 [1] UCC_name DEBUG - UCC_nameSharepoint: http://serverfqdn/sites/huntgroup/UCC_name
2014-11-05 09:13:07,501 [1] UCC_name DEBUG - UCC_nameSharepoint version 2013
2014-11-05 09:13:08,080 [1] UCC_name DEBUG - UCC_namehttp:// serverfqdn /sites/huntgroup/UCC_name uses exact version: 3.1.14435.0
2014-11-05 09:13:08,090 [1] UCC_name DEBUG - UCC_nameSharepoint: Config template version: 3.1
When issues occur, it’s very important to know the version number of the UCC core and the SharePoint template.
After loading and registration the Endpoints, the UCC gives the following signal:
At that point, the UCC is up and running and is available for incoming and outgoing traffic.
Now we know, what we see when the UCC starts, it’s time to take a closer look at the UCC notifications in the log file. Within the log file there are four different indicators, each showing their own type of information. In front of the indicator, there is a timestamp and the name of the UCC of which information is shown. The first indicator is “info”. The info indicator purely shows informational status updates, such as a settings change or the start of a hunt.
2014-11-21 11:22:33,919 [91] UCC_name INFO - UCC_name ##################READY FORHUNT############
The second indicator is called “debug” and this shows the information involving the performance of the UCC and its tasks. For example:
2014-11-21 11:23:20,902 [86] UCC_app05 DEBUG - UCC_namePrecence change: : Online : 3500 : : Computer,SameEnterprise,Text Enabled,AudioEnabled,Video Disabled,
In this example, the log shows that the agent has gone online. And, more important that the Audio is enabled. This information can be crucial in tracking down errors or malfunctions of the UCC. The third indicator is called “warn” which stands for warning. When this message is displayed, there could a malfunction within the UCC core but it may not be crucial for the functioning of the UCC. The fourth indicator is “error” and these message aren’t the once you want to see. Errors, however, are of importance for the functioning of the UCC, and this, of course, must be kept to a minimum. Therefore, it is important to keep track of warnings and errors and viewing the complete log. When a warning or error appears, it is important to know what has gone on before and whether it is to reproduce.
There are a few important things to remember when detecting an occurred error. The first step is always to find the error itself (mostly done by using the Ctrl+F key combination). Then you will need the find out what happened before, simply by scrolling up and reading the log file. Did the error occur while in a call, before a call or after a call? Where there agents with the available status and did they have their audio enabled? Are all the endpoints registered?
When you have a complete picture of the previous events, you will be able to solve the problem or at least know what triggered the error. The log file has a maximum capacity of 10MB. When the file reaches this, it will make of copy and names UCC_log.txt.1, UCC_log.txt.2, 3, 4and 5. There is no automatic backup feature. Therefore we suggest that the clients IT administrator makes periodically backups of the log files.
Common information in the log is:
License information;
Database information and information about the database connection;
Information about SharePoint and the connection state;
Hunting information;
Information about UCC services.