On Premises

Dialogue Studio Installation


This feature is only available to Enterprise Plus License users.


  • Dialogue Studio deployed in Docker image

How to Install the Dialogue Studio UCC plugin

  1. Extract the UCC A Unified Contact Center, or UCC, is a queue of interactions (voice, email, IM, etc.) that are handled by Agents. Each UCC has its own settings, IVR menus and Agents. Agents can belong to one or several UCCs and can have multiple skills (competencies). A UCC can be visualized as a contact center “micro service”. Customers can utilize one UCC (e.g. a global helpdesk), a few UCC’s (e.g. for each department or regional office) or hundreds of UCC’s (e.g. for each bed at a hospital). They are interconnected and can all be managed from one central location. plugin to a folder on disk, for example C:\Program Files\Anywhere365\Core\plugins\Wsp.Anywhere365.Ucc.NodeRedPlugin
  2. Add the following line to your UnifiedContactCenter in config.xml of the UCC config:
  3. If the plugin is used in one UCC service as both an identity plugin and prompt, make sure to have a unique plugin name and port number per type. UCCs using the same type, can share the same plugin name and port number.
    1. Configure as identity plugin:

      As a identity plugin Dialogue Studio will replace the complete IVR Interactive Voice Response, or IVR, is a telephone application to take orders via telephone keypad or voice through a computer. By choosing menu options the caller receives information, without the intervention of a human operator, or will be forwarded to the appropriate Agent..

      <Plugin name="NodeRedPlugin" isIdentityPlugin="true" path="C:\Program Files\Anywhere365\Core\plugins\Wsp.Anywhere365.Ucc.NodeRedPlugin" file="Wsp.Anywhere365.Ucc.NodeRedPlugin.dll"/>
    2. Configure as prompt:

      As a prompt you can assign the Dialogue Studio as an option in your IVR.

      <Plugin name="NodeRedPrompt" isIdentityPlugin="false" path="C:\Program Files\Anywhere365\Core\plugins\Wsp.Anywhere365.Ucc.NodeRedPlugin" file="Wsp.Anywhere365.Ucc.NodeRedPlugin.dll"/>

Configuration Settings for Dialogue Studio in Ucc.Creator SharePoint template

Dialogue Studio Configured as Identity Plugin

For Dialogue Studio as an Identity plugin, no configuration needs be done in the UCC IVR menu on SharePoint. The Identity plugin will bypass the IVR configuration in the IVR menu of the SharePoint Template and immediately send your call to Dialogue Studio for further processing. For more information, see: Dialogue Studio User Guide.

The Plugin Settings list in SharePoint will need to contain 2 entries in the Scope "DialogueStudio" for each UCC using this Dialogue Studio instance:



Scope Comment


DialogueStudio This can be false if both UCC and Dialogue Studio services are internal services


DialogueStudio This is typically a 4 digit port number defined during the installation. All UCC's using this same Dialogue Studio should use their own unique port number. DO NOT CHANGE THIS PORT NUMBER!


For Dialogue Studio, set up as an identity plugin, the filter setting inside the Dialogue Studio Node properties must be plain "Audio/Video" (NOT as "IvrQuestion (Audio/Video)"). Double-click on the Incoming call node to open the Properties and check if this filter is selected.

(Optional) Dialogue Studio Configured as IVR Prompt

  1. Navigate to your UCC SharePoint dashboard and find the DIALOGUE MANAGEMENT widget.

  2. Click Prompts config to open the PromptsConfig list.

  3. Click +new item to add another item to the list and only enter the following:

    • Fill out "NodeRedPlugin" under PromptId

  4. Click Save.

  5. You can now select the prompt in your IVR Questions.


When you choose to use Dialogue Studio as prompt, the filter setting inside the Node properties must be "IvrQuestion (Audio/Video)" (NOT as "Audio/Video"). Double-click on the Incoming call node to open the Properties and check if this filter is selected.

Configure a port

  1. Navigate to your UCC SharePoint dashboard and find the UCC CONFIG widget.

  2. Click Plugin Settings to open the PluginSettings list.

  3. Click +new item to add another item to the list and enter the following:

    • Setting: HttpPort
    • Scope: DialogueStudio
    • Value: [port you want to use]


    If the plugin is used in one UCC service as both an identity plugin and prompt, make sure to have a unique port number per type and per UCC.

  1. Click Save.

  2. Result: the port of the service will be changed immediately.

Restart UCC

  1. (Re)start the UCC to load the plugin.

The UCC starts a SignalR Hub that is used by the Dialogue Studio plugin. To check if the plugin is installed and running correctly navigate in a webbrowser on the UCC machine to http://localhost:port/. You should see a JavaScript document that describes the contract of the hub.

(Optional) How to enable HTTPS?

When you want to have a valid HTTPS certificate on the port Dialogue Studio is using, you are able to change the port with a setting in Sharepoint.

  1. Navigate to your UCC SharePoint dashboard and find the UCC CONFIG widget.

  2. Click Plugin Settings to open the PluginSettings list.

  3. Click +new item to add another item to the list and enter the following:

    • Setting: HttpsEnabled
    • Scope: DialogueStudio
    • Value: [true or false]
  4. Click Save.

Next Steps