On Premises

Voicemail Agents

Voicemails agents are used for the Voicemail Dialer. This can be SIP The Session Initiation Protocol, or SIP, is a protocol for multimedia communication (audio, video and data communication). SIP is also used for Voice over IP (VoIP). SIP has interactions with other Internet protocols such as HTTP and SMTP. addresses, Federated When using Anywhere365 in combination with Federation you can add agents working with a Skype for Business or Teams account to your UCC. addresses or phone numbers.


An Enterprise license or higher is required to access these features.

Explanation per field

In order to manage Voicemail Agents, the following fields can be filled:

Items Description
Name The name of the Agent, only used visually.
Uri The SIP address or phone number of the Agents
Priority The order in which the Agents should be called.

Create/Edit/Remove item

Item can be created, edited or removed.


Updates to the system take place in real-time. Entering the incorrect information here may cause issues with your software. Proceed with caution.