Dialogue Cloud

Release Notes - Feature release DC2023.03


DC2023.03 has been made available in a Phased Roll-out to selected customers from October 4th, 2023.

Update 11-10-2023: This Bundle will not be made available as GA due to an identified issue in a WebChat component (All other functionality passed internal and external testing). A solution will be addressed in the first upcoming hotfix. Please keep a lookout for our next hotfix release expected to be DC2023.03a.

read more ClosedSelected customers currently on DC2023.03 can continue to use this version if they are not using WebChat functionality. We do, of course, suggest them to upgrade to the next hotfix when it becomes available. 


This initial Feature Release bundle will be available on Dialogue Cloud only.


If you’re upgrading from an older bundle, be sure to check out our What's New pages for a comprehensive list of new features and important updates spanning multiple bundles.

This document contains a list of the updates and current versions of Anywhere365 software and components.

Client Components


To streamline our support process,  before raising a support ticket you need to ensure that the client used is upgraded to the version of the bundle and so the log provided with the ticket is inline with the Bundle.  Please note that we will be unable to process support tickets raised on unsupported version.

Component Version Remark
Ucc.Creator scripts (SharePoint template)  
Power BI template (for Power BI Desktop)


(Minimum required version for this bundle) Learn More

Inflight Wallboard (desktop client) 6.5.7  
Snapper (desktop client)


(Minimum required version for this bundle) Learn More

+= updated in this bundle.

New Features

PBI Description

Supervisor Controls in WebAgent - added Whisper, Talk and Takeover

We have added additional and powerful new Supervisor functionalities to WebAgent. Now, Supervisors can use the "Whisper", "Talk", and "Takeover" Controls while listening in on an Agent's conversation with a customer. The "Whisper" Control allows Supervisors to give hints to the Agent without the customer hearing it. The "Talk" Control enables Supervisors to become part of the conversation. The "Takeover" Control allows Supervisors to take control of the conversation while the Agent is still on the line. We hope these new Supervisor functionalities will help improve customer service and increase productivity.

See: Supervisor Controls - added Whisper, Talk and Takeover


It's important to note that only inbound audio dialogues between customers and agents can be listened to via the WebAgent, and dialogues in Delight Consult, Consult, or already being supervised by another supervisor cannot be joined.


Call on behalf for WebAgent

We are launching Call On Behalf for WebAgent, a new feature that enables agents to easily select any endpoint of a UCC A Unified Contact Center, or UCC, is a queue of interactions (voice, email, IM, etc.) that are handled by Agents. Each UCC has its own settings, IVR menus and Agents. Agents can belong to one or several UCCs and can have multiple skills (competencies). A UCC can be visualized as a contact center “micro service”. Customers can utilize one UCC (e.g. a global helpdesk), a few UCC’s (e.g. for each department or regional office) or hundreds of UCC’s (e.g. for each bed at a hospital). They are interconnected and can all be managed from one central location. before making an outbound call. This allows agents to have a smoother user experience when handling outbound campaigns, while organizations can merge complex UCCs into a single UCC for better management. Moreover, the new feature eliminates the need to assign DCI Skills to each individual agent, as it will now be enabled for all, making the configuration process even easier.

See: Call on Behalf for WebAgent


Direct Routing - Forward to Teams UM Voicemail of an Agent

On Dialogue Cloud (V3 with EDR Enhanced Direct Routing (EDR) is a mechanism introduced by Anywhere365 based on Microsoft Direct Routing (Option 2) to allow richer transferheaders in SIP messages, allowing for more information to be passed on in transfer and forward scenarios.) it is now possible to forward to a UM (Unified Messaging) voicemail box of an Agent's Teams useraccount over a Direct Routing SBC, by adding the ";opaque=app:voicemail" string to Agent's Teams PhoneURI as a forward destination.
This can be done by means of a "Forward Skill" on a UCC (Forward Skill ),
as well as a "Forward Action" in Dialogue Studio (Action node - Forward).


Extended the search functionality in the WebAgent to also include Organizational Contacts and Personal Contacts

We have extended the search functionality in the WebAgent to include Organizational Contacts and Personal Contacts. The new contact search will yield results for OrganizationUser, OrganizationContact, and PersonalContact. The Add to group and See agenda buttons will remain visible for OrganizationalUsers, but not for OrganizationContact and PersonalContact. This new contact search functionality has been applied to the Contact Search (left sidebar), Add Participants (peer-to-peer, Delight transfers, and Consultative transfers)


Allow for Agent and Supervisor to re-queue text conversations

Agents and Supervisors can now quickly and easily re-queue text conversations! Agents can now use a quick select button to re-queue their own conversations, while both Agents and Supervisors can re-queue conversations from the connected tab. This allows Agents and Supervisors to take over a session (re-queue and then take) for themselves or re-queue a session of an Agent who is not available.


Deepdesk Formerly known as Anywhere365 Aviator becomes available for WebAgent

Deepdesk is a powerful tool that helps customer service agents have more meaningful interactions with customers, leading to improved customer satisfaction and faster response times. It integrates directly into the Anywhere365 WebAgent and provides agents with real-time suggestions while they are chatting with customers.

See: Deepdesk


The WebAgent for ServiceNow also supports the HR module.

We've expanded the capabilities of the WebAgent for ServiceNow by adding support for the HR module. In addition to the existing ITSM and CSM module, the WebAgent now enables seamless interaction with the HR Profiles, HR Cases, and HR Tasks entities from the ServiceNow HR module, all within the WebAgent UI.

See: HR Module

Feature Improvements

PBI Description

Google Transcriptor (Speech to Text) - Allow for several recognition and adaptation models per Dialogue Studio flow

The previous SharePoint settings for selecting an AI model and a Phrase List adaptation for the Speech-To-Text engine plugin had been shifted to the Dialogue Studio specific node. That way, more flexibility is offered for different transcription cases within the same Dialogue Studio flow.


Improve copy/paste and drag/drop images behavior when replying to emails in the WebAgent

We have improved the copy/paste and drag/drop images behavior when replying to emails in the WebAgent. Now, when an image is embedded into the email body through copy/paste or drag & drop (i.e. not as an attachment), the image will be successfully received.


Use Activity information is now visible for contacts in the WebAgent

Activity information is now visible for contacts in the WebAgent! Previously, only availability information was available, such as Available, Away, BeRightBack, Busy, DoNotDisturb, and Offline. Now, Activity information is available as well, including: Available, Away, BeRightBack, Busy, DoNotDisturb, InACall, InAConferenceCall, Inactive, InAMeeting, Offline, OffWork, OutOfOffice, PresenceUnknown, Presenting, and UrgentInterruptionsOnly. This gives agents more detailed information about the contacts they are trying to connect to, leading to better decision making and an improved user experience.

84214, 79175

Improved WCAG - 2.1.1 Keyboard controls for the WebAgent

You can now also use the Keyboard controls to move between search and search results.


Sometimes users are losing their wrap up timer button functionality in Snapper

We have fixed an issue where multiple users across multiple UCC's and services were sometimes losing their wrap-up timer functionality after disconnecting the call. The countdown would not display in the Snapper interface and they could not add time. We have now made this mechanism more robust, ensuring that users can use the wrap-up timer without any issues.


Encrypt ClientSecret for SharePoint when Snapper is configured for uploading Screenrecording videos

When Snapper is configured for uploading screen recording video files (.mp4), the ClientSecret authentication credential is now securely encrypted in the stored config settings file. This ensures that your SharePoint credentials remain safe and secure.


Snapper - Implement App Id & Secret authentication to SharePoint for Microsoft 365 upload

Snapper now supports App Id & Secret authentication to SharePoint for Microsoft 365 uploads. This setting allows users to securely upload their screenrecordings to SharePoint Online on Microsoft 365.


Improved opening Snapper notification asking user to log into SfB instead of Teams DR

A mechanism is built into Snapper to notify the user if the UM client application, dependent on type of login, cannot be found. This experience is now improved


Performance improvements for voicemail drop campaign dialer audio sequence

We have removed the delay that occurred when playing the voicemail message after pressing the * key.


SkillName is now visible for both Campaign Dialer and Direct Dialer session

Previously, when an agent was in a call for either a Campaign Dialer or Direct Dialer session, the Skill name was not displayed. Now, the correct Skill name will be shown for all sessions.


Introduced a throttle for SQL reconnect events

MSMQ CallDetailRecording requests have very primitive retry logic that results in absolutely hammering the database server on any failure, especially expired credentials. This needs mitigation and we have implemented a Polly retry-and-wait policy combined with a circuit breaker.

Feature Enhancements

PBI Description

Call Controls lacked visibility in Consult Conversation

While performing an consultative transfer in the WebAgent, for both the Agent and the Consultee the buttons of the call controls had the same color as the background. We have improved the visibility of the call controls in the Consult Conversation feature of WebAgent. The buttons of the call controls now have a distinct color that stands out from the background, making them easier to spot and use.


Improved various issue with the view in search for texts by skill

We have improved various issues with the view in search for texts by skill. The scroll bar was not visible when the text search had a large amount of Skills or UCC. Additionally, certain interactions with the filters could result in a blank screen, which has now been resolved.


Improved various issues with the icons from the WebAgent integrated with Teams

The navigation icons in the WebAgent had the same color as the background when the WebAgent is integrated in Teams. We have improved the visibility of the navigation buttons when integrated in Teams. The buttons of the navigation now have a distinct color that stands out from the background, making them easier to spot and use.


WebAgent Date and Time Stamp for Text messages was missing after update to 2023.02b

We have fixed an issue with the WebAgent where the date and time stamp for text messages was not visible on full screen after updating to 2023.02b. The date and time stamp is now visible on all screen resolutions.


MePerson: special characters are not displayed correctly on OIDC login

We have fixed an issue where special characters in the agent's Display name were not being displayed correctly on OIDC login for MePerson. This issue has now been resolved and special characters should be displayed correctly.


Improved performance slow responsiveness after clicking the formal sign off and on button in WebAgent

We have improved the performance and responsiveness of the formal sign off and on button in WebAgent, resulting in a faster and more visually responsive experience.


WebChat adaptive card key-value subject missing in preview

We have fixed an issue where the subject set by a WebChat Adaptive Card was not visible when viewing the WebChat in the preview window. This issue has now been resolved and the subject should now be visible when viewing the WebChat in the preview window.


Snapper showing call still connected after consultative transfer using WebAgent

We have fixed an issue where, when running both WebAgent in a Browser and Snapper client on the desktop, and WebAgent was used to transfer an audio call with consult, the Call would remain visible as connected with the original Agent in Snapper, even after the consultative transfer had been completed.


Screen Recording often zero filesize when uploading by Snapper to SharePoint

We have fixed an issue where screen recordings were sometimes uploading with a filesize of 0 when using Snapper to upload to SharePoint. This issue was caused by the handling speed of the computer being too fast compared to the filesize of the recording. This issue should no longer occur.


Clicking on a column header in advanced statistics causes Snapper to crash

We have fixed an issue where clicking on a column header in advanced statistics, when enabled, caused Snapper to crash. You can now click on column headers without any issues.


Fix memory leak caused by HTTP client in Snapper in combination with Anywhere365 Authentication

We have fixed a memory leak issue that was caused by the embedded HTTP client in Snapper when it was running in combination with Anywhere365 Authentication.


Snapper migration from 8.4.9 to 8.5.x not working

We have identified and resolved an issue with the migration of settings and data when upgrading Snapper from 8.4.9 to a version higher than 8.5.3.