Dialogue Cloud

Release Notes - Hotfix release DC2023.02b


If you’re upgrading from an older bundle, be sure to check out our What's New pages for a comprehensive list of new features and important updates spanning multiple bundles.

This document contains a list of the updates and current versions of Anywhere365 software and components.

Client Components


To streamline our support process,  before raising a support ticket you need to ensure that the client used is upgraded to the version of the bundle and so the log provided with the ticket is inline with the Bundle.  Please note that we will be unable to process support tickets raised on unsupported version.

Component Version Remark
Ucc.Creator template (SharePoint template)  
Power BI (desktop template)


(Minimum required version for this bundle) Learn More

Inflight Wallboard (desktop client) 6.5.7  
Snapper (desktop client)


(Minimum required version for this bundle) Learn More

+= updated in this bundle.

Feature Enhancements

PBI Description

Node.js version updated for DialogueStudio.

For Dialogue Studio the node.js version has been updated to a newer, supported version to stay compatible with the MSSQL Node.


Webchat transfer enhancements in Dialogue Manager.

Previously the customer was unable to see agent messages once a WebChat session was transferred to another WebChatDialogueProvider2 in a different UCC. This has now been fixed. Also, the customer can now see that a new agent joined the conversation after the transfer has been accepted.


Reduced a log occurrence in Dialogue Manager logs.

Fixed a repeating NULL reference error which appeared under certain circumstances in the logfiles. This should no longer take place and reduce logfile pollution.