Dialogue Cloud

Installing Web Wallboard


Note: Web Wallboard requires a modern browser and is therefore not compatible with Internet Explorer. We recommend using Edge, Chrome or Firefox browser.

Before starting the installation, make sure the following preparations are done:


The Web Wallboard for Dialogue Cloud is an optional component of a Bundle installation and can be requested by one of two options.

Option 1:

If you are in GoLive! phase of Anywhere365:

  • Ask your Anywhere365 partner or direct contact to have the Web Wallboard enabled.

Option 2:

If you are already live with an Anywhere365 UCC (but you have not yet enabled the Web Wallboard)

  • Request the Web Wallboard be enabled through your partner or our support portal.

Technical information

The Web Wallboard is available as a webservice per UCC service. Depending on the structure of the URL's parameters different UCC's and agent variables can be displayed or hidden. The URL for your Web Wallboard will be provided by your Anywhere365 partner, direct contact, or the support ticket.

The URL will be formatted like:


The default for this is an open public webservice over https.

  • For more information on using the Web Wallboard URL with parameters (to show other UCC's, skills, etc.) see the User Guide. Learn More

  • For more information on limiting access to the Web Wallboard for specific users please see the Anywhere365 Authentication Guide. Learn More

<base href="/webwallboarduccname/">