Dialogue Cloud

What's new in WebAgent 6.26

Note: An additional Anywhere365 WebAgent license is required.

In preview since: 24 September 2021

In production: 03 November 2021


The below a details of new features that are added to the WebAgent.

Product Update Video

New user interface using a responsive grid system

The WebAgent has received the first updates for a more responsive grid system. This new responsive grid system enables more usability on various devices.

The most notability changes:

  • Side menu changes:

    • The sidebar menu has been moved to the left. This allows for quicker access when switching between contact and queue.

    • The contact center dialogues and personal dialogues have been merged into a single menu. Allowing more room to handle multiple personal dialogues.

    • The contact center dialogue have been split into 'Waiting' and 'Connected' tabs. This allows the Agent to quickly see dialogues ready to be picked up.

  • Dialogue menu changes:

    • The contact information menu is now always visible, giving the agent direct access to the right customer information.

    • The conversation tabs have been moved to the center of the dialogue, giving the agent the same experience regardless of the channel (Audio, Email, WhatsApp, etc.)

  • The interface will respond to specific screen resolutions:

    • The expand, collapse and pin interaction for the menu has been replaced for responsive interaction based on resolution:

      • Full HD resolution (1920 px) or higher: The menu can be expanded and collapsed.

      • Between Full HD resolution (1920 px) and Standard Laptop (1024 px): The menu will interact as a hover.

      • Below Standard Laptop (1024 px): The menu will interact as tabs.

    • The reply and forward editor will automatically pop-out when the height of the screen is to small (less then 800 px) to interact.

    • The conversation header will shrink when height of the screen is to small (less then 800 px) to free more space for the conversation content.

Webchat now show "Messages Delivered" when the WebChat Provider has processed the message

The WebChat conversation now shows the state of the message to the Agent.

  • Delivering message: The message has been send, but not yet been processed by the WebChatDialogueProvider2

  • Message delivered: The message has been successfully processed by the WebChatDialogueProvider2 and ready to be delivered to the WebChat of the customer.

    Note: This doesn't indicate that the customer has seen the message or that is has been delivered WebChat of the customer.
  • Deliver failure: The message has encountered a failure when being processed.

    Note: We recommend analyzing network activity in the browser for more details about the cause.

Delivering message

Message delivered

Deliver failure

WebAgent in Salesforce in combination with High Velocity Sales (HVS) is now compatible with "Call Results" for "Sales Cadence"

The WebAgent SalesForce CTI integration now supports "Cal Results" that are used for "Sales Cadence Branching". The option that is selected in the "Classification" when handling the conversation will be used as input to a "Call Result", which in turns will be used for Call Branching. More information: https://www.salesforce.com/eu/products/sales-cloud/tools/high-velocity-sales/

Extend timeline API to support more endpoints

By default the WebAgent will use the customer's endpoint (phone-number or email) to retrieve their timeline information. This can now be extended with additional endpoints (phone-number or email) from the CRM Customer Relationship Management, or CRM, is (usually) a software-based, data management method to deal with interactions with customers and potential customers. Service.

Note: The values with property "Email" and "Phone" will be used as endpoint. This can be configured per CRM service in Plugin Attributes.