Dialogue Cloud

WebChat Adaptive Cards

Adaptive Cards Adaptive Cards are preformatted boilerplate messages that can be selected by an agent to be sent to a client. They are written using an open card exchange format that allows the developers to 'write once' and share with any compliant host application can be used as UI components for WebChat 2. This article describes how Adaptive Cards are used with Anywhere365's WebChat service.

Note: An additional Anywhere365 WebAgent for Omnichannel license is required.
Note: An Enterprise license or higher is required to access these features.
Note: Adaptive cards up to version 1.4 are currently supported.

Building Adaptive Cards

Adaptive cards are portable code snippets that can be used to enhance the UI.

Useful URLs

  • Various examples of Adaptive Cards can be found here: https://adaptivecards.io/samples/

  • An intuitive designer tool you can use to create your own Adaptive Cards can be found here: https://adaptivecards.io/designer/

    Note: By default, the Microsoft Adaptive Cards designer site creates version 1.5 adaptive cards. This can be set to version 1.4 by selection the desired version in Target Version.

Key value pairs

Warning: These key value pairs can only be used in the Adaptive card (or chained Adaptive cards) that begins a conversation, not in Adaptive Cards used during or after the conversation with the Agent.

The WebChatDialogueProvider2 will react to specific values, so they will be used as features. Currently the following key value pairs are available:

  • standard.customerName = This name will be shown to the Agent

    Note: This can also be done using a command. Learn More
  • standard.customerUri = This URI will be used on the conversation. This will value will be visible and used in:

    Note: This can also be done using a command. Learn More
  • standard.subject = This value can be used in the PluginFlowSettings (Learn More) to better route the customer.

Building a Response

Warning: Every Adaptive Card needs a response for being able loaded in the Webchat.

The response is build up as a JSON, this enabled a lot of flexibility. For example a unique response or Target URI per SubmitID (I.e. Button in the responsive card).

Useful links

How to build JSON Scripts

Below we have an example of a Response:

  "Actions": [
      "Id": "Submit",
      "TargetUris": [
      "Response": {
        "Content": "One of our Agent will reach out during business hours on {standard.customerUri}",
        "Type": "Message"
  • Actions (Object) = In this object the actions are stored that can be performed by the Adaptive Card response

    • Array = In this array one or more actions (object) can be stored.

      Note: Each object needs to be comma separated
      • Id (name/value pair) = In this string matched the SubmitId that is created in the Adaptive Card

      • TargetUri (Object) = In this object one or more strings can be stored. All the submitted values from the Adaptive Card will be posted to the TargetUri

        Note: Each string needs to be comma separated
      • Response (Array) = In this array the response can be defined.

        • Content (name/value pair) = In this string will be send as a response to the customer after submitting.

           Tip: You can use bracked {} to replace content with submitted data.
        • Type (name/value pair) = In this string you can define the response type. For now only  "Message" is used.

Storing Adaptive Cards

Before Adaptive Cards can be loaded into the WebChat 2 they needs to be added to SharePoint first, Learn More


An Adaptive Card can be used as the first message (before the chat is initiation) or as a post-conversation (after the webchat session has been completed)

As First Message

This tease message can be configured with the following settings:

interface TeaseMessageSettings {
    message: string,
    showAsMessage: boolean,
    onScrollPercentage: number,
    onTimeout: number

These values can be set as follows:

  • Adaptive card id = The ID of the Adaptive Card that is configured on SharePoint.

  • Adaptive card disable input = If enabled the chat input will be disabled until the Adaptive Card has been submitted. This is to ensure the customer completes the Adaptive Card before starting the conversation.


Below an example script that can be loaded into your website's html. In this example we loaded a webchat with a tease message:

<script type="text/javascript" src="webchat.bootstrap.js"></script>
window.onload = function() {
    const config = {
        available: {
            state: 'Enabled',
            adaptivecard: {
                id: 'QuestionForm',
                disableInput: false
        away: {
            state: 'ChatInteractionDisabled',
            adaptivecard: {
                id: 'ContactForm',
                disableInput: true
        offline: {
            state: 'Hidden'

As Post Message

In order to send an Adaptive Card after the dialogue is finished, the WebChat config in the WebChat frontend has to be extended with an Adaptive Card ID, see example below.

postDialogue: {
    adaptivecard: {
        id: 'AdaptiveCardId',

An example of the complete file would look something like this:

<script type="text/javascript" src="webchat.bootstrap.js"></script>
window.onload = function() {
    const config = {
        available: {
            teaseMessageSettings: {
                showAsMessage: true,
                showAsTeaser: true,
                onTimeout: 5000,
                message: {
                    en: ' Hi Can we help you?',
                    nl: ' Hoi Hoe kunnen we u helpen?'
            state: 'Enabled'
        postDialogue: {
            adaptivecard: {
                id: 'AdaptiveCardId'

Adaptive Cards Examples

Question Form

This card will ask the customer some questions. The entered fields will be used by the WebChatDialogueProvider2.

Adaptive Card Payload:

{"type":"AdaptiveCard","$schema":"http://adaptivecards.io/schemas/adaptive-card.json","version":"1.3","body":[{"type":"TextBlock","text":"Question Form","wrap":true,"size":"ExtraLarge"},{"type":"TextBlock","text":"Before we start chatting, tell us a bit about yourself.","wrap":true},{"type":"Input.Text","label":"What is your name?","id":"standard.customerName"},{"type":"Input.Text","placeholder":"user@domain.com","label":"What is your email?","id":"standard.customerUri"},{"type":"Input.ChoiceSet","choices":[{"title":"Support","value":"Support"},{"title":"Sales","value":"Sales"},{"title":"Other","value":"Other"}],"placeholder":"Placeholder text","label":"What is your question about?","id":"standard.subject"},{"type":"ActionSet","actions":[{"type":"Action.Submit","title":"Let's get started","id":"submit","style":"positive"}]}]}


  "Actions": [
      "Id": "submit",
      "TargetUris": [],
      "Response": {
        "Content": "Thanks {standard.customerName} for sharing, let's look for an agent.",
        "Type": "Message"

Contact Form

This card can be used when the WebChat is outside business hours, so the Agent received the request the next work day and can directly call the customer.

Adaptive Card Payload:

{"type":"AdaptiveCard","$schema":"http://adaptivecards.io/schemas/adaptive-card.json","version":"1.3","body":[{"type":"TextBlock","text":"Contact Form","wrap":true,"size":"ExtraLarge","weight":"Bolder"},{"type":"TextBlock","text":"Our chat is currently un-available. Please leave your contact details, so we can reach you back.","wrap":true},{"type":"Input.Text","placeholder":"+3123456789","label":"Phonenumber","id":"standard.customerUri"},{"type":"Input.ChoiceSet","choices":[{"title":"Support","value":"Support"},{"title":"QuickSupport","value":"QuickSupport"}],"label":"Subject","id":"Skill"},{"type":"ActionSet","actions":[{"type":"Action.Submit","title":"Submit","style":"positive","id":"submit"}]}]}


  "Actions": [
      "Id": "submit",
      "TargetUris": [
      "Response": {
        "Content": "One of our Agent will reach out during business hours on {standard.customerUri}",
        "Type": "Message"

WebAgent Transcripts

A transcript can be created by using a PostDialogue Adaptive Card. The Adaptive Card needs to have a button of type Action.Submit and an id standard.transcript. The response object of the Adaptive Card needs to have a Action with the same id as the button standard.transcript. When the customer clicks on the button and the Adaptive Card is sent, the WCDP2 will automatically add a link at the end of the response message to allow the customer to download the transcript.

The agent sends a new PostDialogue Adaptive Card every time the conversation is handled. If the customer decides to continue the conversation after the agent ended it, the transcript will be replaced in the database by the new transcript and will be sent to the customer the same way as the first transcript.

How to enable WebChat Transcripts

The following SharePoint settings are mandatory: (if not set this will cause an exception with the message 'connection string not found')

Name Scope Value Description
Uri WebChatDialogueProvider2


Note: If your transcript download button returns a 404 or file not found error (depending on browser), the Uri set for WebChatDialogueProvider2 is not public accessible and needs to be changed.

The public accessible location of the WebChatDialogueProvider2
Uri DialogueManager http://{DOMAIN}/DialogueManager The location of the DialogueManager (Probably already created for the DialogueManager itself)

Example of a PostDialogue Adaptive Card with transcript functionality


Adaptive Card payload

{"type":"AdaptiveCard","$schema":"http://adaptivecards.io/schemas/adaptive-card.json","version":"1.3","body":[{"type":"TextBlock","text":"Contact Form","wrap":true,"size":"ExtraLarge","weight":"Bolder"},{"type":"TextBlock","text":"Would you like the transcript of this conversation?","wrap":true,"color":"Dark"},{"type":"ActionSet","actions":[{"type":"Action.Submit","title":"Yes please","style":"positive","id":"standard.transcript"}]}]}

Example of Adaptive Card response

Adaptive Card Response
    "Actions": [{
        "Id": "standard.transcript",
        "TargetUris": [],
        "Response": {
            "Content": "<b>Your transcript is ready!</b>",
            "Type": "Message"