Dialogue Cloud

Installing the Wallboard

The following steps describe the installation process of the Wallboard.


Step by step

  1. Run the .msi file to start the setup program.


    Installation files can be obtained from Anywhere365 or an authorized Partner.

  2. Click "Next"

  3. Read and accept the License Agreement by checking the “I accept the terms in the License Agreement” box.

  4. Click "Next"

  5. Leave the only available option to install selected: Anywhere365 Inflight Wallboard

  6. Click "Next"

  7. Enter the correct information in the next screen:

    1. UCC A Unified Contact Center, or UCC, is a queue of interactions (voice, email, IM, etc.) that are handled by Agents. Each UCC has its own settings, IVR menus and Agents. Agents can belong to one or several UCCs and can have multiple skills (competencies). A UCC can be visualized as a contact center “micro service”. Customers can utilize one UCC (e.g. a global helpdesk), a few UCC’s (e.g. for each department or regional office) or hundreds of UCC’s (e.g. for each bed at a hospital). They are interconnected and can all be managed from one central location. Name = Check with your admin or can be found on the UCC SharePoint page as the unique name part of the sip MainEndpoint in the "Endpoints" list (e.g. ucc_reception for sip:ucc_reception@domain.com or ucc-support-ab1c2 for sip:ucc-support-ab1c2@<region>.dialoguecloud.local)

    2. UCC Host = The FQDN FDQN stands for Fully Qualified Domain Name and specifies the exact location in the tree hierarchy of the Domain Name System (DNS). An example for [hostname].[domain].[top level domain] is [www].[microsoft].[com] of the Anywhere365 Application server, example: server.domain.com.

    3. Lync Microsoft Lync (formerly Microsoft Office Communicator) is an instant messaging program designed for business use and is the successor of Windows Messenger. In order to use Lync, a Microsoft Lync Server is required. client = Check which version of Microsoft Teams or Skype for Business you are using.

    4. Secure address = Check box if using Https connection with the server. (Dialogue Cloud dashboardservice is always configured over https only),

    5. Wallboard view = Select the default view you want the wallboard to run after start-up.


      The views for "Multi UCC" and/or "Agents" and/or "Reason Codes" always need additional manual configuration in the local config.xml after this basic installation.


      The Email view of Inflight Wallboard cannot be configured anymore, it relied on various backend technologies which have since been deprecated by Microsoft.

  8. Click "Install"

  9. The Wallboard will now be installed

  10. Select "Finish" to close the setup

  11. Start the Application (From the Wizard question, the Start Menu or the Shortcut placed on the Desktop)


Inflight Wallboard can be installed with an unattended installation script with a limited set of parameters and for the Normal View only.


The views for "Multi UCC", "Agents" and/or "Reason Code" always need additional manual configuration in the local config.xml after this basic installation.

  1. Create a .bat file with the following code


    msiexec /i "Anywhere365.Inflight.Wallboard.msi" UCCNAME="ucc-" PROTOCOL="https://" UCCHOST="service.domain.com" INSTALLFOLDER="%ProgramFiles(x86)%\Anywhere365 InFlight WallBoard\" LYNCVERSIONVALUE="Lync2010" /passive /L*V ".\Install.log"


    msiexec /i "Anywhere365.Inflight.Wallboard.x64.msi" UCCNAME="ucc-" PROTOCOL="https://" UCCHOST="service.domain.com" INSTALLFOLDER="%ProgramFiles%\Anywhere365 InFlight WallBoard\" LYNCVERSIONVALUE="Lync2010" /passive /L*V ".\Install.log"
    1. UCCNAME = ApplicationId of the UCC

    2. PROTOCOL = Which protocol should be used:

      1. http://
      2. https://
    3. UCCHOST = FQDN of the IIS of the Anywhere365 Server (Typically the server name, but can be a Virtual Directory in IIS with a different FQDN. check with you administrator)

    4. INSTALLFOLDER = Location where the Snapper will be installed

      1. 32x = "%ProgramFiles(x86)%\Anywhere365 InFlight Wallboard\"
      2. 64x = "%ProgramFiles%\Anywhere365 InFlight Wallboard\"
    5. LYNCVERSIONVALUE = Version of Lync which is used on the machine (for Teams client leave this value on Lync2010)

      1. Lync2010
      2. Lync2013
      3. Lync2016
  2. Put the .bat file in the same location as the .msi installer.

  3. Run .bat file (by double clicking in Windows Explorer or running it from a CMD prompt)