Configure Wallboard View 8 (Multi UCC Group)
Open the config.xml file, which is located in the Anywhere365 “InFlight WallBoard\I01” folder
The right value for the DefaultView = 8
Make sure the General Settings are as in the example below
Enter the UCC groups.
The same groups as view 3 are used, but only the sub-group
CopyXML<uccgroups enabled="true">
<uccgroup name="Customer group 1" SLA1Label="20 sec" SLA2Label="2 min" Order="1">
<ucc SLA1="20" SLA2="120" Skill1Available="60" Skill2Available="60" Skill1Other="10" DisplayName="UCC1" Order="1">
<DashboardServer version="1.5" name="ucc_name01" value="http(s)://<FQDN>/DashboardService"></DashboardServer>
<ucc SLA1="20" SLA2="120" Skill1Available="60" Skill2Available="60" Skill1Other="10"DisplayName="UCC2" Order="2">
<DashboardServer version="1.5" name="ucc_name02" value="http(s)://<FQDN>/DashboardService"></DashboardServer>
</uccgroups> -
Make sure the General Settings are as in the example below, number depends on the group you want to see.
Replace enter correct UCC name and UCC server
Save the file
Now the Multi UCC View is applied for the Wallboard.
(Optional) Multiview Animation
When adding more groups that can fit on one page, you can enable an animation to switch between groups.
The timing can be controlled with the setting:
Available animations:
Paged (Default) = Split the groups into pages and circulate them.
RolodexOneItem = Every animation circle, add one row at the bottom and remove one at the bottom.
RolodexMaxAvailable = Every animation circle, add maximum of unseen rows at the bottom (never more than can fit on the page) and remove the same amount at the top.