On Premises

Definitions of L1, L2 and L3 Support Services

The following describes the Support Services that are to be provided by PARTNER in accordance with the requirements of the Agreement. Capitalized words, phrases and acronyms that are not defined herein shall have the meanings given to them in the Value Added Reseller Agreement (including the Partner Service Level) or shall have their ordinary (technical or other) meaning.

Level 1 Support

Triage, handle all incidents or requests reported to the Partner Services Helpdesk – PARTNER shall provide basic technical service desk resources able to do basis analysis and determine which incidents/requests must be elevated to Level 2 Support (including providing complete and correct information for Level 2 Support engineers. Level 1 Support includes:

  • If cause is due to user error:

    • Provide quick fix for standard issues

  • If cause is due to application issue:
    • Analyze issue to determine if this is potentially caused by the Anywhere365 application or not, rule out basic other potential cause
    • Provide a clear and complete description of the scenario and analysis done to ensure level 2 can continue the investigation without having to revert back for basic/known information. For example
      • Can the issue be reproduced
      • Details that are relevant to troubleshoot the issue - Who, what, when, where, how
      • Accompanying proof (logs, screenshots, config settings, HAR files …)
      • Impact of the issue
      • Urgency
      • Platform element
      • Action taken, expected result, actual result
      • Checks done

Level 2 Support

Once elevated by Level 1 Support, PARTNER shall provide Level 2 Support Services including further analysis to determine if the incident or request can be resolved by config change or change to "supporting technology and hardware". PARTNER shall make available senior technical support engineers certified for the Anywhere365 service including by thoroughly investigating the reported incident or request, analyze potential cause and exclude components that are not controlled or provided by Anywhere365 as root cause. Level 2 Support includes:

  • Confirm scenario is indeed an issue – can the issue be replicated, is it a known scenario
  • Confirm configuration is correct
  • Rule out any other potential cause (Teams, SharePoint, Azure, Connectivity (wifi/cable), SBC, firewall, vpn, anti virus…,)
  • Analyze logs and analyze potential cause of issue
  • Take appropriate actions to resolve the issue without escalating to level 3
  • Provide a clear and complete description of the scenario and analysis done by level 2 to ensure level 3 can continue the investigation without having to revert back for basic/known information.

Level 3 Support

All other incidents or requests that cannot be resolved by Partner through their Level 1 and Level 2 Support will be elevated as a Case to the Anywhere365 Customer Services Helpdesk including resolution of defects, infrastructural issue on Anywhere365 application or server side configuration