On Premises

Update Webchat - A Guide

Create backup of Webchatfolder

  1. Connect to Anywhere365 ApplicationServer
  2. Navigate to C:\inetpub\wwwroot
  3. Copy “Webchat_...” and "ChatHub_..." folders
  4. Paste the folders in other directory (for example C:\Backup)
  5. Repeat step 3 and 4 if multiple Webchats are used.

Update WebChat


Prior to the update, make sure Skype for Business Administrative tools are installed.

  1. Place the update zip on the server and extract the file


    Installation files can be obtained from Anywhere365 or an authorized Partner.

  2. Open PowerShell as Administrator and navigate to the update files
  3. Run “.\UpdateWebchatPlus.ps1”
  4. The script will ask for each ChatHub and WebChat folder if the update needs to be applied
  5. Answer Y for the ChatHubs and Webchats that need to be updated
  6. (When Y is selected) The script will ask if its ok to stop IIS for the update


    IIS Reset will interrupt all running Webchats sessions.