Update Webchat - A Guide
Create backup of Webchatfolder
- Connect to Anywhere365 ApplicationServer
- Navigate to C:\inetpub\wwwroot
- Copy “Webchat_...” and "ChatHub_..." folders
- Paste the folders in other directory (for example C:\Backup)
- Repeat step 3 and 4 if multiple Webchats are used.
Update WebChat
- Place the update zip on the server and extract the file
Installation files can be obtained from Anywhere365 or an authorized Partner.
- Open PowerShell as Administrator and navigate to the update files
- Run “.\UpdateWebchatPlus.ps1”
- The script will ask for each ChatHub and WebChat folder if the update needs to be applied
- Answer Y for the ChatHubs and Webchats that need to be updated
- (When Y is selected) The script will ask if its ok to stop IIS for the update
IIS Reset will interrupt all running Webchats sessions.