On Premises

Configure reconnect webchat


When the In-Page chat is used, reconnect needs to be enabled.

If Reconnect is not enabled and customers are browsing your website the connection with the WebChat will be lost and the conversation will be disconnected. With Reconnect enabled the customer can proceed with his chat conversation even though he is browsing on your website.

Configure reconnect

To enable or disable the Reconnect mechanism, the following steps need to be taken:

  1. Open the Appsettings.config from your ChatHub folder

  2. Modify the parameter WebChatReconnectEnabled and set it to true

    <add key="WebChatReconnectEnabled" value="true" />
  3. Add the following timeout setting to the SharePoint settings list

    1. Setting = WebChatReconnectTimeout

    2. Value = 10 (free to choose)

  4. Done

Browsing your site is not the only reason you would want this setting to be enabled. If a customer uses 4G or Wifi to start the Chat conversation and his connection drops. The Reconnect mechanism waits for x (where x is the above value) seconds and keeps the sessions alive. When the customers return with a proper connection, he can resume the conversation.