On Premises

Configure Agent Name


There are many ways of displaying the agent’s display name (or partial display name) to the customer.

Configure Agent display name

Agent display names in chat can be fixed, or they can be retrieved from the Skype For Business configured display name. This can be set per webchat skill in the configuration of the chat hub application.

(Default) Fixed name for every agent

To set a fixed name for every agent, go to the root of the chat hub application, usually named ChatHub_uccname_chat in IIS default website.

  1. Open the appsettings.config of the chat hub application

  2. Under WebChatSubscriptions, find the valid subscription of your webchat endpoint

  3. Change the #DefaultContactName parameter to a fixed name (e.g. #DefaultContactName=Agent).

  4. Set #RequestAgentName=0

Skype for Business display name

Ucc config:

Goto ucc settings site / settings. Add key WebChatShowFirstAgentIdentityToUser with value true.

WebChat config:

  1. Open the appsettings.config of the chat hub application

  2. Under WebChatSubscriptions, find the valid subscription of your webchat endpoint

  3. Set #RequestAgentName=1

Note: After changing the appsettings.config file of the ChatHub, you can perform an iisreset for the changes to take effect.

If you don’t want to perform an iireset for all IIS applications, a workaround is to give the web.config of the ChatHub application a space and save this file. IIS looks for the web.config time stamp to reset the single web application.

First name only (addition to Skype for business display name)

Show the first name only will strip the first word of the agent name given by the chat hub.

Note: go to the file sfbwebchatplus/xml/settings.xml in the root of the webchat application to change the settings.

Set the following setting:




As you might expect, the cut is set from the first blanc space in the name. This can be altered, by setting the showagentnamebyregex to true and apply a regex in the showagentnameregex key.

For instance:

If the Skype for Business DisplayName of the Agent is setup like “Lastname, Firstname”. You will need to use the following method, to only show the Firstname of the agent to the customer.


This example will match on the First ‘,’ and so only works for Doe, John and not Doe, J (John) or other variations.

Configure Agent and client images

Agent images per agent

This feature is only available when the feature “Skype for Business display name” from the “Agent display name” section is set.

Agent images can be enabled by setting the webchat xml setting “agentimagesenabled”.

Note: go to the file sfbwebchatplus/xml/settings.xml in the root of the webchat application to change the settings.




The webchat will check if an image exists in the image folder that is the same as the last agent message. The image of the agent will appear on top of the webchat when the agent is connected. Also, the image will appear next to the messages of the agent.

The default image folder is located in the webchat application under [WEBCHATROOTURL]/sfbwebchatplus/images/agents/

Spaces and special characters are removed when checking for the filename.

Allowed image extensions

The allowed image extensions can be changed by setting the xml setting “agentimageallowedextensions”.

Recommended image size

The recommended image size for agent images is 100px by 100px.

Example: John Doe

The webchat will check for the following images that exist for agent name John Doe.




When adding gif as an extension in the settings xml, the webchat will also check for johndoe.gif.

Custom agent and client message images

You can adjust the default images for agents and clients messages in de settings xml. The images next to the messages will change accordingly. Agent message images are overruled by the “agent images per agent”, when this is set.




Example of changing the message images

It is recommended to add custom images to the “custom_assets/images” folder and change the paths to custom_assets/images/yourimage.png




Custom chat header images

Chat header images can be customized by changing the following settings. Just like the message images, it is recommended to add the images to the custom_assets/images folder. The settings below are the defaults.


