On Premises

Update UCC Creator

Warning: The Bundle is always leading, make sure the Bundle is up to date!

Migrate from 5.x template to UCC.Creator 6.x or higher

  1. UCC Creator needs to be installed first, Learn More

  2. Next step is copy the 5.x content to the new 6.0 environment using the Copysettings script, Learn More

  3. Finalstep is update the SharePoint Url in your UCC config, Learn More

Preparation UCC connection with sharepoint online

  1. It is strongly advised to stop the UCC service during update or make sure it cannot connect to the site collection if you want to keep the ucc running. For example you could add a rule to the hostfile on the ucc server. Updating the SharePoint Template while a UCC is running will cause loss of data if write-back features (like Recordings, CallBack CallBack, an IVR menu feature for voice, enables the customer to leave his / her number to be called back by an available agent during business hours. etc.) or loss of functionality if timed automations (PowerAutomate) are in use during the update.

  2. If you change the hostfile, go to C:\windows\system32\drivers\etc\hosts file on your server and add the line that looks like “ <tenant-name>.sharepoint.com”

  3. After the update of all sites the UCC Service needs to be restarted with cleared cache.


Note: If you are running the Scheduled task, make sure this one is pointing to the new package. Learn More