Configure Surveys to SQL
(SharePoint Online Only) Pre-requisite
This step is required if you are using the preferred method of application credentials and when not already executed on the site collection during template installation.
Enable APP permissions
This was already executed during the installation of the UCC A Unified Contact Center, or UCC, is a queue of interactions (voice, email, IM, etc.) that are handled by Agents. Each UCC has its own settings, IVR menus and Agents. Agents can belong to one or several UCCs and can have multiple skills (competencies). A UCC can be visualized as a contact center “micro service”. Customers can utilize one UCC (e.g. a global helpdesk), a few UCC’s (e.g. for each department or regional office) or hundreds of UCC’s (e.g. for each bed at a hospital). They are interconnected and can all be managed from one central location. Creator. If not completed, Learn More
Configure the Surveys to SQL application as scheduled task
These steps are for both SharePoint On-premises and SharePoint Online.
Find your site collection URL and Client Secret code. If you lost your Client Secret code, you can generate one by following guide below.
Grab the site URL (parent site of your ucc) and client secret
Example: (only use bold part)
This is also the site for the UCC Creator.
Copy the contents of the Survey script to <drive>\program files\anywhere365\scripts\SPO_Survey on the UCC server (may also be another Windows server, make sure the above pre-requisites are met).
The survey scrips can be requested at the support-desk.
In the config file (Surveys.config), fill in the Targets:
Same Site = For all sites on the root level:
CopyXML<Target enabled="true" type="SameLevel"></Target>
Site Collection = For all sites in this site collection:
CopyXML<Target enabled="true" type="SiteCollection"></Target>
Site = Only for this site:
Next step is to configure user authentication.
(SharePoint On-premises) Fill in the Username and Encrypted Password.
Use the Password Tool in the install directory to encrypt the password.
(SharePoint Online) Fill in the ClientID and ClientSecret, between the quotes.
Find your site collection URL and Client Secret code. If you lost your Client Secret code, you can generate one by following Generate a new client secret for SharePoint Template
Create a Windows Scheduled Task that runs indefinitely every 5 minutes (starting from rounded minutes e.g. 12.00, 12.05, 12.10, 12.15) and starts the executable (WSP.A365.SharePoint.WebJob.Survey.exe).
Or use the example XML below to import it into Task Scheduler:
CopyXML<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-16"?>
<Task version="1.2" xmlns="">
<Author>Workstreampeople B.V.</Author>
<Principal id="Author">
<Actions Context="Author">
<Command>"C:\Program Files\Anywhere365\Scripts\SPO_Survey\WSP.A365.SharePoint.WebJob.Survey.exe"</Command>
</Task> -
Make sure that the account that performs the task has sufficient permissions to run the job, even if it is not logged in. Run with highest privileges.
Make sure the following prerequisites are met
User is SharePoint Online global administrators and tenant administrator for the Microsoft 365 tenant
Install SharePoint Online Management Shell
Install PowerShell PowerShellGet
Open PowerShell as administrator
Install "Microsoft Online Services"
Open PowerShell as administrator
Generating a new secret won’t affect to old one, the current Client Secret will be active until it expires
If the client secret is already expired, creating a new app is recommended:Anywhere365 SharePoint UCC Site Creator “Register SharePoint App (only for SharePoint Online)”
Run Powershell as administrator
Run the following cmdlets: (Change the client id value to your client id)
$clientId = 'clientid'
$bytes = New-Object Byte[] 32
$rand = [System.Security.Cryptography.RandomNumberGenerator]::Create()
$newClientSecret = [System.Convert]::ToBase64String($bytes)
New-MsolServicePrincipalCredential -AppPrincipalId $clientId -Type Symmetric -Usage Sign -Value $newClientSecret
New-MsolServicePrincipalCredential -AppPrincipalId $clientId -Type Symmetric -Usage Verify -Value $newClientSecret
New-MsolServicePrincipalCredential -AppPrincipalId $clientId -Type Password -Usage Verify -Value $newClientSecret
$newClientSecret -
Copy outcome and save it