On Premises

Install Notification Service


A Corporate license or higher is required.


  1. Copy files to the Anywhere365 Application Server(s)

  2. Make sure that the .zip package is unblocked.

    1. Right click on the .zip file and choose ‘properties’

    2. Then click Unblock and Apply

  3. Unzip the Anywhere365 Notification Service package

  4. Edit the properties.ps1

    These properties will be used in the configuration of the service

    1. AppId = Name for the ApplicationId, need to be unique.

    2. Domain = Domain of the service account.

    3. Account = Username of the service account.

    4. AppPoolName = Application Pool of the Anywhere365 Service.

    5. Port = Unique port number for Trusted Application.

    6. SipDomain = Sip Domain for the Application Endpoint.

  5. Open a PowerShell as Administrator

  6. Navigate to the directory

  7. Run the InstallNotification.ps1

    Note that the account which is running the installation scripts needs to have Skype for Business permissions to create lync Microsoft Lync (formerly Microsoft Office Communicator) is an instant messaging program designed for business use and is the successor of Windows Messenger. In order to use Lync, a Microsoft Lync Server is required. objects

  8. If the installation is complete, the service will be installed


Configuration Service

The configuration of the Notifications Service consists of multiple sections and is configured in a config.xml file. The file is located in the installation folder of the service. See below for an example.

The sections are:

  • Notifications

  • Platform

  • Mail


In the notifications section you can configure multiple entries to support notifications, using groups. These entries represent a single Notification entity in the Notification Service. Each entity needs to be specified with the following properties:

The Settings site of UCC needs the list “Notifications” to support notifications.


<Group name="ucc_">
<Option name="Url" value="https://domain.sharepoint.com/sites/a365/ " mandatory="False" />
<Option name="InstanceName" value="ucc_" mandatory="False" />
<Option name="DashboardServiceUrl" value="https://domain.anywhere365.net/Dashboardservice" mandatory="False" />
<Option name="Username" value="user@domain.com" mandatory="False" />
<Option name="Password" value="*****" mandatory="False" />


The platform section is where you configure the UCMA Microsoft Unified Communications Managed API (UCMA) is used primarily to build middle-tier applications that work with the Skype for Business Server. settings to startup an application endpoint, which will be used to send Instant Messaging. You need to specify:



Microsoft has started disabling Basis Authentication for Exchange Online as of October 1st, 2022 (More information). If you are using the Notification Service in combination with Exchange Online, this would mean that the Email functionality will stop working. Anywhere365 has no plans of adding Modern Authentication to the Notification Service. Moving forward our recommended migration path would be towards the Microsoft Power Automate.

The Mail section is where you configure the mail support function of the service. The Mail section consist of the following properties:

  • UserName – Username which will be used for authentication

  • Password – Password encrypted via the password tool

  • Domain – Domain name (If Office365 is used, there is no need to configure the domain name)

  • Email – the mailbox where from the emails are send

  • Version – The exchange version (2010, 2013)

  • Url – if there is no auto-discover configured the url of the Exchange web-service can be configured here