On Premises

Reason Codes

From the moment reason codes are created by a Supervisor, reason codes can be selected by Agents in the Anywhere365 applications for Dialogue Intelligence to indicate their reason of absence or to state why they are occupied with certain other tasks in the contact center. When an Agent is not available for call distribution, he/she can select a reason code that indicates, that he/she is having lunch or working on some emails and finishing up some administration tasks, giving a training, etc. The Supervisor can then monitor how many Agents are in a call, having a lunch break, or using other available reason codes.

Reason codes are displayed as categories in the Agent Overview and either display as a row header (Wallboard), a section header (Power BI Dashboard – Agent Report), or as tab pages (Snapper) .

The effect of the reason codes can be seen in:

How does the reason code interact with the presence status?

The presence status displays the current availability and status to other users, whereas the reason code is used in reports to see how many agents were not available because of lunch or any other given reason.


A displayed presence status could be Available, Busy, Away, Offline.

A displayed reason code could be Lunch, Screen break, Emails, Wrap Up Time.


Selecting a reason code while agent is using the Skype for Business client will also change the presence status set and displayed in Skype for Business.

Where are Reason Codes created and what are they used for?

Reason codes can be easily added via the UCC SharePoint Dashboard. Click on Reason codes in the USER INPUT widget to open the list of already created Reason codes. Simply add another item to the list and assign an easy recognizable title to the Reason code along with a presence status busy or away. This title will be used in a row/column/tab page header in the Agent Overview containing the number of Agents which will then not be available for call distribution due to this specific reason.

How can a Reason Code be selected?

The Agent selects the Reason Code to indicate why they is not available for call distribution using either a drop-down menu in A365 applications or the IM command codes in Skype for Business.

How to make use of the RC command working with the Skype for Business client

The Reason Code Functionality makes it possible for a quick selection of Reason Codes. The Agent opens the UCC where he wants to enter e.g. a lunch break, types “RC“ into the command window and then enters one of the displayed codes that relates to the Reason code. A notification is then received, that Code “1” for example was selected and that the Agent’s status will appear as “Away”. The Agent can manually change the status back to “Available” in Skype for Business, when he / she can be available for call distribution again.


The Reason Code Functionality requires Corporate license or higher.

Reason Code Rules

When using Reason Codes take into account the following rules:

  • A Reason code will reset after any of the following:

    • a New Presence is set or detected (for example Busy -> Away because agents locks the p.c.)
    • a New Reason Code is set
    • Reset Reason Code in Snapper or WebAgent is selected
    • a New Presence Activity is set (Away > Be Right Back)
  • The Reason Code PresenceState (busy or away) should reflect the Agent's expected activity:

    • If the agent will be away from their client, then use a Reason Code with Presence Away (for example if Reason code is "Lunch" where agent locks p.c. for lunch, the Presence state will remain Away and therefore maintain the Reason Code)
    • If the agent will remain working on their client, then use a Reason Code with Presence Busy (for example if Reason code is "Online-Interview" where agent remains working on p.c, the presence state will remain Busy and therefore maintain the Reason Code)

Explanation per field

In order to manage Reason Codes, the following screen should be filled in:

Item Description


The display title of the Reason Code. This title will be shown to the Agent and displayed in the reports


The index number associated with the Reason Code. (When used in Skype for Business IM this number can be entered)


The status connected to the Reason Code

  • Away
  • Busy

Create/Edit/Remove item

Item can be created, edited or removed.


Updates to the system take place in real-time. Entering the incorrect information here may cause issues with your software. Proceed with caution.