On Premises

Retention Policy


Retention Policy is used to clean up old record. For example recordings older the 30 days.

Explanation per field

Item Description
Policy Name of the Policy. Can be used as notation field.
List The list where the Retention Policy needs to clear old records.
Values: .Recordings, Call Summary, Voicemails, OutboundDialerCalls, InboundScreenRecordings, OutboundScreenRecordings
Retention Period (Days) Items older than this value will be removed.
Active Configure if the Retention Policy needs to be active:
  • TRUE = Retention Policy will be used
  • FALSE = Retention Policy is disabled

Create/Edit/Remove item

Item can be created, edited or removed.


Updates to the system take place in real-time. Entering the incorrect information here may cause issues with your software. Proceed with caution.