On Premises

User Guide Autonomous Dialer

Qualifications before the Autonomous Dialer can be started

Activating Autonomous Dialer

Activating the Dialer to start processing Dialerlist entries can be done by changing the UCC Setting "EnableAutonomousDialer" to "True". For stopping the Dialer, change the setting to "False".

Supervisor Commands

The Autonomous Dialer can also be controlled by a Supervisor using a Skype for Business desktop client. The Supervisor uses a chat to the UCC. The following commands are available:

Command Description

startautodialer or startautonomousdialer

Starts the Autonomous Dialer (if all qualifications are met)

stopautodialer or stopautonomousdialer

Stop dialing new calls, active calls will continue

statusautodialer or statusautonoumousdialer

Shows the current status of the dialer (if it is started or not and if qualifications are met)

The Supervisor dialer command is persistent even after restarting the UCC service. i.e. if the Autonomous dialer was running when the UCC is stopped, it will automatically be running again after restarting.

Explanation per field

In order to manage Autonomous Dialer Calls, the following field could be filled in:


Business hours and holidays are still leading.

Item Description


SIP The Session Initiation Protocol, or SIP, is a protocol for multimedia communication (audio, video and data communication). SIP is also used for Voice over IP (VoIP). SIP has interactions with other Internet protocols such as HTTP and SMTP. URI or telephone number to dial (example: tel:+31123456789).


Shows if item is already processed, can be unchecked to run again.


The Campaign Dialer will use agents from this skill to contact the customer.


Order in which to call customer. (overruled by Prio).


Enable customers to be called before non-prio items.

Pre-Welcome Message

Play this Text to Speech message before entering the default callflow. Overruled by Pre-Welcome Audio Message.

Pre-Welcome Audio Message

Play this Audio Message before entering the default callflow.


Day on which to perform Dialer calls. Empty ignores filter.

Date start

Only perform Dialer call after this date. Empty ignores filter.

Time start

Only perform Dialer call after this time (per day). Empty ignores filter.

Time end

Only perform Dialer call before this time (per day). Empty ignores filter.

Date end

Only perform Dialer call before this date. Empty ignores filter.


SIP URI of the Agent who handled the Dialer Call.


The result field contains the IVR Interactive Voice Response, or IVR, is a telephone application to take orders via telephone keypad or voice through a computer. By choosing menu options the caller receives information, without the intervention of a human operator, or will be forwarded to the appropriate Agent. path.


Retries field contains the number of retries. This depends on the settings OutboundDialerDeclineRetry and OutboundDialerDeclineRetryTime. If the maximum retry count is reached, the record field Processed is set to Yes. [Todo: question: what is in the Result field]

Add Autonomous Dialer item

  1. Navigate to the UCC setting site
  2. Open the OutboundDialer list
  3. Open the tab 'Items'
  4. Open the drop down under 'New'
  5. Select new 'AutonomousDialerItem'

View Autonomous Dialer items

  1. Navigate to the UCC setting site
  2. Open the OutboundDialer list
  3. Open the tab 'List'
  4. Switch the 'Current View' to 'AutonomousDialerView'